woman smiling with her hands over her mouth

Strategic Projects Gift Catalog

The Christian and Missionary Alliance has always been a responsive, sacrificial, risk-taking family. When God opens doors, we walk through them, seizing gospel-advancing opportunities before those doors close. During this next, bold chapter of Alliance advance, we are taking intentional and strategic steps toward the pioneering work that has always defined us.

Below are key time-sensitive strategic projects that advance these steps and our All of Jesus for All the World vision in hard places throughout our neighborhoods and the nations.

You are needed! The Alliance is perfectly positioned for the next decades of what God is calling us to do, but the work can’t be done without you. All of Jesus for All the World takes all of us—now.


give now to prepare new workers for the mission field

give now to revitalize a community in turmoil

give now to establish a permanent house of worship

give now to grow the national pastor base

give now to strengthen national church leadership

give now to open gospel access to a nomadic population

give now to fulfill a 30-year vision for gospel impact

give now to protect isolated farmers' livelihoods

give now to train and equip under-resourced farmers

give now to provide care and opportunities for immigrant women

give now to spread God's peace through camp ministry

give now to expand refuge from poverty and violence

build one alliance place

give now to break new ground for gospel impact

give now to accelerate church planting among the unreached

give now to train refugees as church planters

give now to launch emerging leaders in hard places

give now to rebuild shattered lives

give now to renovate a community with Gospel presence

give now to create apprenticeships for the deaf

give now to build hope for the urban poor

give now to nourish struggling families

give now to build a camp for the underserved

give now to shed light on human trafficking

give now to support the worldwide outreach of The Alliance

Preserve the alliance legacy