man holding a plant and talking to a group of other people

Nourish Struggling Families

Project Name: CAMA – Guinea Agropastoral Project

Location: West Africa


Many families in this West African country toil throughout the growing season with simple farming tools in searing heat and suffocating humidity. Their grueling work brings them barely enough rice, corn, and sweet potatoes to silence their groaning stomachs. Because most lack gospel access, they also hunger daily for the spiritual nourishment only Jesus can provide.

You can demonstrate God’s wisdom and redeeming love to families in this West African country by introducing them to farming practices and technologies that restore nutrients to the soil and improve crop yields.

This project began in 2015 as relief work to communities afflicted by the Ebola outbreak and has blossomed into much more. Through your gift toward agriculture training and consultation, you will equip West African farmers to overcome food insecurity without government assistance. You will also create opportunities for Alliance international workers to proclaim and demonstrate God’s love among people long denied gospel access.

Bring struggling families sustainable food sources and allow them to experience their Creator’s compassion and grace.



one drip irrigation kit



one farm vehicle




one water tower


Ready to support?

Bring struggling families sustainable food sources and allow them to experience their Creator’s compassion and grace.

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