the time is now

Why now.?

We are living in a unique cultural moment, a tipping point where change is happening—fast. How do we, as the Alliance family, position ourselves for what God is calling us to in this moment? Rather than preserving a lifestyle of comfort and safety, are we willing to fully engage with Jesus toward the future flourishing of our movement while staying rooted in the deeper life foundation that supports it?

The Christian and Missionary Alliance has always been a responsive, sacrificial, risk-taking family. When God opens doors, we walk through them, seizing gospel-advancing opportunities before those doors close. During this next, bold chapter of Alliance advance, we are taking intentional and strategic steps toward the pioneering work that has always defined us. If you’re part of the Alliance family, you’re a part of this moment—and the time is now.

The time is now.

We are called not merely to have a vision but to fulfill it! Together we, as Alliance people, courageously commit to seeing our All of Jesus for All the World vision fulfilled in our neighborhoods and the nations.

In a time of uncertainty, God is at work and on the move, and we want to move with Him—now. Will you join us in this important moment for The Alliance?

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One new international worker (IW) per week.

The Alliance seeks to create a meaningful, impactful gospel presence among the world’s marginalized, displaced, and least reached. The only way we can establish and maintain this presence is to continue sending new workers to places where the good news has yet to be proclaimed.

now. is the time to send over 100 new workers into the harvest field.

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One new open door for Alliance Missions advance per year.

The Alliance has always gone to the hardest places. Places lacking gospel access. Places that are hard to reach—sometimes geographically, spiritually, or both. To fulfill our role in the Great Commission, The Alliance will enter one new open door each year for the next two years.

now. is the time to walk through new open doors for gospel advance.

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One new U.S. church plant per week.

As an Acts 1:8 family, our call to preach the gospel is both global and local. With God’s enabling and empowerment, we aim to plant over 100 new church expressions throughout the United States by training and equipping church planters and helping 400 established Alliance churches develop partnering and planting postures.

now. is the time for multiplication.

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One Alliance Place.

Over the next two years, The Alliance will fundraise for and begin building One Alliance Place, a multi-use facility that will not only house the Alliance National Office but also serve as a model for changing the posture of church engagement in society. It will enable The Alliance to have a meaningful, impactful gospel presence in the greater Columbus, Ohio, area, provide additional revenue streams for the Great Commission Fund (GCF), and advance an innovative, transformational model for ministry officing.

now. is the time to change how we work and serve.

Visit the Project ReImagine website for more information.

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One mission fully funded.

The Alliance has always been a movement defined by bold, faith-filled generosity. And the gospel-advancing initiatives God is calling us to fulfill require funding. By aligning the annual needs for our GCF ministries and Project ReImagine, the funding stream for One Alliance Place that is separate from the GCF, we will prayerfully enter a season of renewed generosity and sacrifice to position the Alliance for decades of future flourishing.

now. is the time to exercise radical generosity.

What now.?

You are needed! The Alliance is perfectly positioned for the next decades of what God is calling us to do, but the work can’t be done without you. All of Jesus for All the World takes all of us.

3 Ways You Can Support the now. Campaign


now. PRAY

What God is calling The Alliance to is beyond our ability; we cannot see this through without His presence and provision. Join the Kingdom work through intentional, regular prayer—the essential work of God’s people. Pray that God would send new workers, open new doors globally, plant new churches, and raise needed resources.

Click here to sign up for Alliance prayer requests delivered straight to your inbox.


now. GIVE

God owns every resource, and we are privileged to participate by giving back what has been entrusted to us. Send new workers, plant new churches, and advance gospel presence through needed resources by giving to the GCF. Consider a contribution to the future flourishing of The Alliance through Project ReImagine.


now. GO

Do you feel God calling you to the nations? To cross-cultural ministry among U.S. immigrant and refugee populations? To plant a church in your community? Now is the time to answer that call. Visit our Serve page to learn about opportunities to serve with The Alliance locally and globally and to fill out a next steps form. To engage in a church planting effort near you, contact Alliance Church Multiplication.

Would you like to receive updates on this now. initiative? Subscribe to the Alliance eNewsletter to stay updated.


now. Resources

Looking for resources to help your church, friends, or supporters understand what this now. moment is all about?

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