August 3, 2022

Eastern Kentucky Flood Response

How the Ohio Valley District of The Alliance is working to help those in need

Last week, eastern Kentucky was hit by several storms that led to landslides, mudslides, and flash flooding. Over three dozen people have been reported dead while hundreds remain missing. There are five Alliance churches that have been affected by the heavy rains. One of these churches has been damaged by 16 inches of flooding, while a retired Alliance pastor suffered severe damage to his home and lost his cars and small business to the flood waters.

Through the generous support of Church Ministries with a $15,000 donation, and money remaining in the Ohio Valley District (OVD) disaster relief fund, the district is sending each of the five churches $4,000 for repairs, replacement of ministry and facility items, and assisting those in their communities facing loss, both in and outside the church. Each church can request response teams and more funds as needs become clearer and further repairs and rebuilding projects arise. 

Alliance Chaplain Doug Prentice is also working with contacts at the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Kentucky Emergency Management, and the Kentucky National Guard to identify processing centers in the affected counties that are providing short- and long-term housing, food and fresh water, clothing, and more for flood victims.

This region of eastern Kentucky is in Appalachia, one of the poorest parts of the United States. These communities tucked into river and mountain hollers are tight-knit and take care of one another. The culture is one of rich generosity that has been built up over generations by pushing through tough times together. While assistance is being provided, the OVD is seeking to empower local churches and pastors to provide aid and allocate funds to their own communities, as they have a better idea of what is truly needed. 

Will you join us now in praying for these families, churches, and communities who are facing several challenges ahead in the aftermath of this disaster? Pray that the Lord would come alongside them as they grieve. Pray that He would comfort them as they process their loss. Pray that He would steady their situations with His hand, and despite their circumstances, that His love would prevail.

To give to the U.S. disaster response fund through Church Ministries, click here.