June 3, 2023


A recap of the final day of Council 2023

In the Thursday morning President’s Report, Board member and pastor Mark Ashton gave a devotional out of Isaiah 49:6. “You can’t get preoccupied with something that’s too small or you’ll end up getting stuck,” Mark shared. 

Alliance leadership also presented a few new initiatives before Council. The first is Alliance 101, a free, comprehensive online resource on the history, mission, people, and beliefs of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. Another is Alliance Young Adults, a new ministry for young adults in Alliance churches. Follow them @cmallianceyoungadults on Instagram. The Refugee and Immigrant Network of The Alliance (RAIN) has also launched a welcoming devotional Bible in the Easy-to-Read Version with content for people whose native language isn’t English.

Another significant launch was the now. campaign—a two-year push in The Alliance toward the future flourishing of our movement. Click here to learn more. 

We have got to be people who discern the mind of Christ, who take big risks for the gospel, and who engage our local communities.

—Tim Meier

In the afternoon business session, Council worked diligently to complete business, the details of which can be found here. To watch a replay of the Friday afternoon business session, click here.

During the evening session, Alliance pastor Sam Lai preached on the Church’s Commission. “Alliance family, do you want to see more of God’s new work? . . . Do you trust that God will do new things to fulfill His Great Commission? Do you want to be part of it?” Sam asked. After the procession of Alliance international workers through the hall—carrying flags and wearing traditional clothes from the countries in which they serve—new international workers were commissioned through prayer and celebration.

What a joy it has been to gather as a denominational family. In closing, Alliance President John Stumbo asked, “Will we live in worry, fear, doubt, dread, mistrust, apprehension—will that be our list? Or will our list be hope, expectancy, anticipation? God, what are You going to do next?” 

Seen and Heard

To watch this video with English CC or Spanish and Chinese captions, as well as more videos from Council 2023, click here!