July 13, 2022

Your Generosity in Action

A River of Justice

by an Alliance international worker serving in India

According to recent reports, more than 40 million men, women, and children are enslaved worldwide through sex trafficking, forced labor, and other forms of modern-day slavery. While this number is staggering, there is reason for hope. Because of God’s power and the amazing work of local leaders and organizations, what we call “justice ventures,” the fight against the evil of slavery is ongoing.

Promoting Justice

This hope is embodied in the Book of Amos. The prophet condemns the nations for taking captive whole communities, selling the innocent and the needy for silver. He exhorts them to “let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream” (Amos 5:24).

A growing river of justice is flowing across our world today that will ultimately wash away the scourge of slavery by the power of a loving God working with and through people like you and me to free the captives, fight the traffickers, and bring lasting restoration and protection to the vulnerable.

Justice Ventures International (JVI) was founded in 2007 with a mission to secure freedom, justice, and restoration for the poor and oppressed by strengthening justice ventures. Our vision is to see unjust communities transformed according to God’s standard of love, where human dignity and rights are respected by all. We focus on eradicating human trafficking, empowering poor families living in slums, and ensuring justice for other vulnerable groups in India and Nepal.

We have been blessed to collaborate with the C&MA from the very beginning. In recent years, JVI’s initiatives have directly impacted over 60,000 lives while strengthening the capacity of over 50 local justice organizations to serve thousands more on an ongoing basis.

In our increasingly interconnected world, people like you and me can join in partnership with individuals thousands of miles away to bring God’s freedom and justice to some of the darkest places on the planet—brothels holding women and girls trapped in sex slavery or oppressive brick kilns and back-breaking agricultural fields where families are forced to labor for generations. God’s call to justice originates from His great love for us, and we love because God first loved us (see 1 John 4:19).

Partnering for Justice

JVI believes that the work of justice is sustainable only if embraced and led by individuals in local communities where injustice occurs. Partnership with local nonprofits, businesses, and other organizations engaged in the work of justice is central and enables our work to be effective, efficient, sustainable, and scalable.

Through partnerships and support from friends like you, JVI conducted more rescue operations in 2021 than any other year in its history. JVI and its partners worked with local governments to conduct 44 rescue operations, freeing 937 human trafficking victims while intercepting nearly 700 more before they reached a trafficking destination. Currently, JVI and its partners are serving over 5,000 individuals through aftercare and legal-aid programs. These survivors are now experiencing sustained freedom and a better life.

Savita* was rescued from a brick kiln where she was physically and verbally abused. She was one of many women and men denied basic human rights and forced to work more than 12 hours a day with little to no pay. Following the rescue, JVI aftercare teams worked with Savita and her husband to secure monetary compensation from the government.

Savita found work on a local farm, and within two years, she saved up enough money to build a house. At just 20 years old, she decided to run for an elected position as a member of the local village council. Such positions of power are usually won by older male members of a community—but in December 2021, Savita defied all odds and won this post with an overwhelming majority!

In her role as a local leader, she advocates for good jobs and community projects that improve the overall development of the village. Her latest project is to ensure that water tanks are built in the village so that residents always have access to clean water.

Savita’s passion to make a difference stems from the burden she carries for victims of human trafficking. As a survivor, Savita is working to ensure that no one, especially her children, endure the same hardships she did.

Partnerships Restoring Justice

JVI works on the front lines in poor and oppressed communities where the battle for justice rages daily. By partnering with like-minded justice organizations, we combine greater skills, innovation, and cultural understanding to design justice solutions that work so people like Savita and others can live free from oppression and experience abundant life.

Recently, JVI worked in partnerships with NGOs and government officials in rural northern India to reach 30,000 people through a large-scale human trafficking and legal-rights awareness campaign. Thousands living in rural areas were made aware of their rights and given access to a help line number where they can report abuses and seek legal assistance.

Legal aid clinics were set up in strategic locations like hospitals, colleges, and government offices, providing many with access to free legal aid services so they can receive legal assistance on the spot. Legal awareness seminars were held through community meetings in impoverished villages. Local social workers also distributed material further into remote areas across the state.

Join the Journey!

While we still have a huge task ahead of us, we know how the story will end. Revelation 21:4 says, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” In its place there will be a new order established according to God’s standard of love.

Thanks to your ongoing prayers and financial support, we can ensure that justice does roll on like a river, washing away the tragic and horrific practices of modern-day slavery.

* Name changed

Rescue the Vulnerable from Human Trafficking

More than 40 million people globally are trapped in slavery—sex slavery, bonded labor, child slavery, and other forms of injustice. Will you join JVI in their vision to see unjust communities transformed according to God’s standard of love where human dignity and rights are respected by all? To support JVI’s Justice Hubs and fight injustice among the poorest and most vulnerable slavery victims, click here; select “a project you love/Find a project”; and type in “Justice Ventures International (JVI).”

JVI’s Annual Summer of Freedom Matching Challenge Campaign is happening now! All gifts will be doubled up to $400,000 until August 31, 2022.

JVI has many stories demonstrating the power of partnerships to bring God’s freedom, justice, and restoration. Click here to view the JVI blog.

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