Missions Engagement

In July of each year, every Alliance church is mailed a Missions Engagement Kit. This kit informs of the theme as well as provides promotional resources and videos for your church to use. The videos contained in this series are based on the Missions Engagement theme for a given year. They contain specific information related to that year's theme and contain compelling stories presented with an end goal of inspiring the viewer to consider ways to further engage in the mission of the C&MA and their local church.
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Missions Engagement 24–25: Pioneer Planting Trailer

Prayerful, expectant waiting and new open doors bring gospel influence and some of the least-reached people groups together in a new location.

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The Alliance logo with growing plants behind it play icon

Missions Engagement 24–25: now. to the harvest

An introduction to this year's Missions Engagement theme—we sow abundantly, pray expectantly, and harvest faithfully, until the King returns.

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woman wearing a shawl and facing away from the camera play icon

To the Hard Places Bumper Missions Engagement 23–24

The task of reaching the unreached is hard—sometimes because of relational or political barriers, spiritual warfare, difficult living conditions, or remote locations. These people and places are often overlooked, but not by our God. He is faithful to open doors to the hard places—and so we go.

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a man sitting and a woman standing next to each other play icon

To the Hard Places: Missions Engagement 23–24

The task of reaching the unreached is hard—sometimes because of relational or political barriers, spiritual warfare, difficult living conditions, or remote locations. These people and places are often overlooked, but not by our God. He is faithful to open doors to the hard places—and so we go.

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3 men laughing play icon

Hard Places: Here to Stay

When Alliance missionaries first entered Senegal in 1932, the work was hard, and the people were resistant. After a few years of seemingly fruitless ministry, the missionaries moved on to more fertile soil. In the early 2000s, Alliance international workers reentered Senegal. Although the work remains hard, it’s worth the cost because Jesus is worthy—and…

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two men on horseback play icon

Missions Engagement 23–24: now. to the hard places

Over 4,000 distinct people groups around the world remain unreached, having disadvantaged access to the good news of Jesus. These groups are often overlooked, though not by our God. The task of reaching the unreached is hard. But God remains faithful to open doors to those who have yet to experience His loving embrace, and…

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woman smiling with words play icon

Choosing to Stay

After her son-in-law’s tragic death, Mrs. Jaan chose to stay in her small town to support her grandchildren and serve God. And in the rural communities around her that lack gospel witness, she is a light for Christ.

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group of several women and a man standing together and smiling play icon

Spiritual Daughters

A training center in West Africa is giving young women practical skills that will help them be self-sufficient—such as cooking and tailoring—while also showing them they are loved by God.

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mountain range play icon

Return to Our People

Fernando was the first follower of Jesus among his community—an unreached people who follow an oppressive ancient religion. He was persecuted, exiled from his village because of his faith, and ostracized by his people. Now, with the help of Alliance workers, Huichol believers like Fernando and Luis are seeking to return to their people to…

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landscape with the words play icon

Our Presence

For Alliance international workers, being present is their strategy. There are still billions of people who lack a gospel witness and presence in their lives, who have never heard what Jesus has done for them. How will they know if nobody goes?

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snowy mountains with overlayed text that says be present play icon

Burdened for the Valley

In some of the world’s darkest valleys, Alliance workers are present—and God is moving. Even when we can’t see it, He has a plan to break bondage and bring light to the lost.

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woman smiling with the words play icon

Redeemed to Hope

A fatal mistake at 18 landed Dheng in prison with no hope of ever living a redeemed, fruitful life—that is, until she met Alliance workers who offered her the opportunity to lead other inmates and their families to freedom in Christ.

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overhead view of city play icon

Missions Emphasis 22–23: Be Present (Churches)

The theme of the 2022–2023 Missions Emphasis campaign is Be Present. Alliance family, the mission of God is fulfilled through us as we live out what it means to be present—just as Christ was and is present with us.

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john stumbo talking play icon

Missions Empahsis 22–23: Be Present (Pastors)

The theme of the 2022–2023 Missions Emphasis campaign is Be Present. Alliance family, the mission of God is fulfilled through us as we live out what it means to be present—just as Christ was and is present with us.

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Woman using a stethoscope play icon

Holistic Healthcare in West Africa

In a clinic in West Africa, an Alliance medical team works to bring the Kingdom through holistic healthcare that is accessible to the urban poor.

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table covered in food play icon

All of Jesus: He Still Heals

In 2017, Bonnie was diagnosed with gastroparesis, an incurable disease which made it impossible for her to eat solid foods. During the healing service at Alliance Council 2021, she was surprised to feel her stomach moving as people prayed for her. And the next day, when she ate solid food without pain for the first…

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Greenhouse of Peace

Brandon and Bethany Nutter are developing the next generation of missional leaders in the Dominican Republic. As they were looking for a space to use for ministry, God led the Nutters to a building in Santo Domingo—a space that was previously a brothel. Now, the Greenhouse student center serves as an environment where God is…

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Jaffray’s Unfinished Mission

Pioneer Alliance missionary Robert A. Jaffray was imprisoned in an internment camp in Indonesia during World War II. While suffering there, God gave him a vision to bring the gospel to a new country. However, Jaffray died in the camp shortly after—before this mission was realized. Today, God has called a student at the Jaffray…

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west african man play icon

Curses Turned to Blessings

“When I was a boy, I believed I was cursed. But it was not a curse—it was just a plan of God for me to help many people in my life.” Meeting and knowing God brought forgiveness, joy, and love into this West African man’s life.

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all of jesus for all the world lyric video alliance worship play icon

All of Jesus for All the World – Alliance Worship (Lyric Video)

Lyric video for the song "All of Jesus for All the World" by Alliance Worship

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tim crouch missions emphasis video thumbnail talking play icon

Missions Emphasis 21-22: All of Jesus for All the World (Theme)

As Alliance President John Stumbo worked with other leaders over the past few years to restate our Alliance vision, a fresh statement emerged: All of Jesus for All the World. This will be the theme of the 2021–2022 Missions Emphasis campaign.

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Hope and a Future for Urban Families

Ben Douglass and Faith Community Church are engaged in urban ministry in the heart of Columbus, Ohio. Their church and ministry center help meet the needs of transient, impoverished, and spiritually underserved adults and children. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the congregation dove head-first into serving kids during the school day.

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aerial view of tokyo play icon

Toshi’s Story

While wandering one night in Tokyo, Toshi stumbled over what he thought was a comic book. When he picked it up, he saw it was a Bible and took it home. What God did over the next few months completely changed the trajectory of Toshi’s life.

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refuge story missoula montana immigrants play icon


When Congolese refugees were resettled to Missoula, Montana, to escape war, violence, and political upheaval in their homeland, the Missoula Alliance Church asked, “What do we do with these families?” God’s answer was clear: Here they are for you to love, learn from, grow with, and help shepherd.

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Where Will All of This Lead?

When C&MA founder, A.B. Simpson, told his wife, Maggie, that he was leaving his secure pastorate to start something new, she asked, “Where will all of this lead?” Over 140 years later, Simpson’s decision has led to global, exponential growth for the Kingdom.

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old photograph pd the gospel tabernacle play icon

Unfinished: In Us

Watch the full event for Church Planting Sunday 2021, Unfinished: In Us, here!

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Man talking and holding his hands up play icon

Ted Kang: The Great Invitation

Alliance pastor Ted Kang shares his heart about the unusual season of the COVID-19 pandemic and the unfinished mission of the Church—and how God is inviting us to respond.

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A woman raking in a grove of trees play icon

The Strongest Healer

The local shaman told Noun, bedridden for months with a chronic illness, that her case was hopeless. But "Preah Yea-sue (Jesus) healed me—He took away my sickness!" says Noun, who now hosts a Bible study in her home in Cambodia and has led family members to Christ.

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Three interns smiling together play icon

Turning Interns into Leaders in Taiwan

Envision's Aroma ministries in Taipei, Taiwan, birth a bold dream for an education center to help young Taiwanese men and women capture a vision for their lives, discover God’s call, and be sent out as gospel messengers to the largely unreached Taiwanese and beyond.

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A man praying for an elderly couple play icon

We Are With You!

An Alliance team in Beirut, Lebanon, is assisting victims of the massive explosion that rocked the city last August. Our worldwide family has given generously, including gifts to CAMA Services, assuring families they “are not alone.” As a result, several have put their faith in Christ and 200 now receive daily discipleship videos in this…

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Landscape with mountains, sunset, and river play icon

Many Hands Feed Many Mouths

In an effort to help their families combat the potential of future economic difficulties sparked by the COVID pandemic, members of the Ecclesia Alliance Fellowship Church of Indonesia came together to till the land and form a farmers’ cooperative. CAMA Services has come alongside this congregation to "strengthen their hands" as they provide their families…

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woman walking on a beach with a basket on her head play icon

He Holds Their Futures

In this West African country, women without husbands are extremely vulnerable, and so are their children. Opportunities are nearly nonexistent. Four years ago, three women started a handicraft business to provide skills and income for these at-risk women, along with scholarships, business loans, and emergency funds for widows and single mothers. Though the work here…

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Man with his head in his hands play icon

Out of the Ashes

Kong was a violent man, but Jesus saved and miraculously healed him. Now, he has given his whole life to serving God and sharing Christ with anyone he can. When he asked God to bring more workers, God answered him, sending Alliance international workers to the field. The work remains unfinished, but the gospel is…

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woman using computer play icon

Unfinished: Missions Emphasis 2020-2021

The work of the Great Commission remains unfinished—and we won’t stop until the job is done.

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people sitting in a circle talking play icon

Called to Regions Beyond

God is forging new pathways to people groups who still have little to no chance of hearing the gospel—and He is calling the Alliance family to follow Him to regions beyond.

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Skyline of a city play icon

Awaken to Kingdom Reality—Theme Message

Full missions message unpacking this year’s theme provided by Tim Crouch, U.S. VP for International Ministries. Tip: This full message was designed to help educate your church’s missions committee, provide thematic content for your missions speaker, or show to your congregation. It can also be used if no international worker is available to speak in…

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Skyline of a city play icon

Awaken to Kingdom Reality—Biblical Teaching

Biblical teaching and context for this year’s theme provided by Tim Crouch, U.S. VP for International Ministries. Tip: This short message was designed to provide a biblical context for the theme to help educate your church’s missions committee, thematic content for your missions speaker, or show to your congregation.

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Man walking down the stairs in a busy city play icon

Awaken to Kingdom Reality—Theme Overview

It’s time to Wake Up and participate in the kingdom NOW so that it will come in fullness when Jesus returns.

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silhouette of a chariot against the sky play icon

Awakened to God’s Purpose—Part 2: Carlos

Two men discover God’s unique plan for them in His Kingdom.

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Awaken to kingdom reality play icon

Awakened to God’s Purpose—Part 1: José

Two men discover God’s unique plan for them in His Kingdom.

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Skyline of a city play icon

Awaken to Kingdom Reality—Theme Message

Full missions message unpacking this year’s theme provided by Tim Crouch, U.S. VP for International Ministries. Tip: This full message was designed to help educate your church’s missions committee, provide thematic content for your missions speaker, or show to your congregation. It can also be used if no international worker is available to speak in…

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Skyline of a city play icon

Awaken to Kingdom Reality—Biblical Teaching

Biblical teaching and context for this year’s theme provided by Tim Crouch, U.S. VP for International Ministries. Tip: This short message was designed to provide a biblical context for the theme to help educate your church’s missions committee, thematic content for your missions speaker, or show to your congregation.

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Man walking down the stairs in a busy city play icon

Awaken to Kingdom Reality—Theme Overview

It’s time to Wake Up and participate in the kingdom NOW so that it will come in fullness when Jesus returns.

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silhouette of a chariot against the sky play icon

Awakened to God’s Purpose—Part 2: Carlos

Two men discover God’s unique plan for them in His Kingdom.

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Awaken to kingdom reality play icon

Awakened to God’s Purpose—Part 1: José

Two men discover God’s unique plan for them in His Kingdom.

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people sitting in a circle talking play icon

Called to Regions Beyond

God is forging new pathways to people groups who still have little to no chance of hearing the gospel—and He is calling the Alliance family to follow Him to regions beyond.

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Hope and a Future for Urban Families

Ben Douglass and Faith Community Church are engaged in urban ministry in the heart of Columbus, Ohio. Their church and ministry center help meet the needs of transient, impoverished, and spiritually underserved adults and children. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the congregation dove head-first into serving kids during the school day.

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aerial view of tokyo play icon

Toshi’s Story

While wandering one night in Tokyo, Toshi stumbled over what he thought was a comic book. When he picked it up, he saw it was a Bible and took it home. What God did over the next few months completely changed the trajectory of Toshi’s life.

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refuge story missoula montana immigrants play icon


When Congolese refugees were resettled to Missoula, Montana, to escape war, violence, and political upheaval in their homeland, the Missoula Alliance Church asked, “What do we do with these families?” God’s answer was clear: Here they are for you to love, learn from, grow with, and help shepherd.

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Where Will All of This Lead?

When C&MA founder, A.B. Simpson, told his wife, Maggie, that he was leaving his secure pastorate to start something new, she asked, “Where will all of this lead?” Over 140 years later, Simpson’s decision has led to global, exponential growth for the Kingdom.

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old photograph pd the gospel tabernacle play icon

Unfinished: In Us

Watch the full event for Church Planting Sunday 2021, Unfinished: In Us, here!

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Man talking and holding his hands up play icon

Ted Kang: The Great Invitation

Alliance pastor Ted Kang shares his heart about the unusual season of the COVID-19 pandemic and the unfinished mission of the Church—and how God is inviting us to respond.

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A woman raking in a grove of trees play icon

The Strongest Healer

The local shaman told Noun, bedridden for months with a chronic illness, that her case was hopeless. But "Preah Yea-sue (Jesus) healed me—He took away my sickness!" says Noun, who now hosts a Bible study in her home in Cambodia and has led family members to Christ.

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Three interns smiling together play icon

Turning Interns into Leaders in Taiwan

Envision's Aroma ministries in Taipei, Taiwan, birth a bold dream for an education center to help young Taiwanese men and women capture a vision for their lives, discover God’s call, and be sent out as gospel messengers to the largely unreached Taiwanese and beyond.

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A man praying for an elderly couple play icon

We Are With You!

An Alliance team in Beirut, Lebanon, is assisting victims of the massive explosion that rocked the city last August. Our worldwide family has given generously, including gifts to CAMA Services, assuring families they “are not alone.” As a result, several have put their faith in Christ and 200 now receive daily discipleship videos in this…

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Landscape with mountains, sunset, and river play icon

Many Hands Feed Many Mouths

In an effort to help their families combat the potential of future economic difficulties sparked by the COVID pandemic, members of the Ecclesia Alliance Fellowship Church of Indonesia came together to till the land and form a farmers’ cooperative. CAMA Services has come alongside this congregation to "strengthen their hands" as they provide their families…

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woman walking on a beach with a basket on her head play icon

He Holds Their Futures

In this West African country, women without husbands are extremely vulnerable, and so are their children. Opportunities are nearly nonexistent. Four years ago, three women started a handicraft business to provide skills and income for these at-risk women, along with scholarships, business loans, and emergency funds for widows and single mothers. Though the work here…

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Man with his head in his hands play icon

Out of the Ashes

Kong was a violent man, but Jesus saved and miraculously healed him. Now, he has given his whole life to serving God and sharing Christ with anyone he can. When he asked God to bring more workers, God answered him, sending Alliance international workers to the field. The work remains unfinished, but the gospel is…

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woman using computer play icon

Unfinished: Missions Emphasis 2020-2021

The work of the Great Commission remains unfinished—and we won’t stop until the job is done.

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Woman using a stethoscope play icon

Holistic Healthcare in West Africa

In a clinic in West Africa, an Alliance medical team works to bring the Kingdom through holistic healthcare that is accessible to the urban poor.

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table covered in food play icon

All of Jesus: He Still Heals

In 2017, Bonnie was diagnosed with gastroparesis, an incurable disease which made it impossible for her to eat solid foods. During the healing service at Alliance Council 2021, she was surprised to feel her stomach moving as people prayed for her. And the next day, when she ate solid food without pain for the first…

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Greenhouse of Peace

Brandon and Bethany Nutter are developing the next generation of missional leaders in the Dominican Republic. As they were looking for a space to use for ministry, God led the Nutters to a building in Santo Domingo—a space that was previously a brothel. Now, the Greenhouse student center serves as an environment where God is…

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Jaffray’s Unfinished Mission

Pioneer Alliance missionary Robert A. Jaffray was imprisoned in an internment camp in Indonesia during World War II. While suffering there, God gave him a vision to bring the gospel to a new country. However, Jaffray died in the camp shortly after—before this mission was realized. Today, God has called a student at the Jaffray…

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west african man play icon

Curses Turned to Blessings

“When I was a boy, I believed I was cursed. But it was not a curse—it was just a plan of God for me to help many people in my life.” Meeting and knowing God brought forgiveness, joy, and love into this West African man’s life.

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all of jesus for all the world lyric video alliance worship play icon

All of Jesus for All the World – Alliance Worship (Lyric Video)

Lyric video for the song "All of Jesus for All the World" by Alliance Worship

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tim crouch missions emphasis video thumbnail talking play icon

Missions Emphasis 21-22: All of Jesus for All the World (Theme)

As Alliance President John Stumbo worked with other leaders over the past few years to restate our Alliance vision, a fresh statement emerged: All of Jesus for All the World. This will be the theme of the 2021–2022 Missions Emphasis campaign.

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woman smiling with words play icon

Choosing to Stay

After her son-in-law’s tragic death, Mrs. Jaan chose to stay in her small town to support her grandchildren and serve God. And in the rural communities around her that lack gospel witness, she is a light for Christ.

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group of several women and a man standing together and smiling play icon

Spiritual Daughters

A training center in West Africa is giving young women practical skills that will help them be self-sufficient—such as cooking and tailoring—while also showing them they are loved by God.

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mountain range play icon

Return to Our People

Fernando was the first follower of Jesus among his community—an unreached people who follow an oppressive ancient religion. He was persecuted, exiled from his village because of his faith, and ostracized by his people. Now, with the help of Alliance workers, Huichol believers like Fernando and Luis are seeking to return to their people to…

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landscape with the words play icon

Our Presence

For Alliance international workers, being present is their strategy. There are still billions of people who lack a gospel witness and presence in their lives, who have never heard what Jesus has done for them. How will they know if nobody goes?

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snowy mountains with overlayed text that says be present play icon

Burdened for the Valley

In some of the world’s darkest valleys, Alliance workers are present—and God is moving. Even when we can’t see it, He has a plan to break bondage and bring light to the lost.

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woman smiling with the words play icon

Redeemed to Hope

A fatal mistake at 18 landed Dheng in prison with no hope of ever living a redeemed, fruitful life—that is, until she met Alliance workers who offered her the opportunity to lead other inmates and their families to freedom in Christ.

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overhead view of city play icon

Missions Emphasis 22–23: Be Present (Churches)

The theme of the 2022–2023 Missions Emphasis campaign is Be Present. Alliance family, the mission of God is fulfilled through us as we live out what it means to be present—just as Christ was and is present with us.

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john stumbo talking play icon

Missions Empahsis 22–23: Be Present (Pastors)

The theme of the 2022–2023 Missions Emphasis campaign is Be Present. Alliance family, the mission of God is fulfilled through us as we live out what it means to be present—just as Christ was and is present with us.

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woman wearing a shawl and facing away from the camera play icon

To the Hard Places Bumper Missions Engagement 23–24

The task of reaching the unreached is hard—sometimes because of relational or political barriers, spiritual warfare, difficult living conditions, or remote locations. These people and places are often overlooked, but not by our God. He is faithful to open doors to the hard places—and so we go.

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a man sitting and a woman standing next to each other play icon

To the Hard Places: Missions Engagement 23–24

The task of reaching the unreached is hard—sometimes because of relational or political barriers, spiritual warfare, difficult living conditions, or remote locations. These people and places are often overlooked, but not by our God. He is faithful to open doors to the hard places—and so we go.

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3 men laughing play icon

Hard Places: Here to Stay

When Alliance missionaries first entered Senegal in 1932, the work was hard, and the people were resistant. After a few years of seemingly fruitless ministry, the missionaries moved on to more fertile soil. In the early 2000s, Alliance international workers reentered Senegal. Although the work remains hard, it’s worth the cost because Jesus is worthy—and…

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two men on horseback play icon

Missions Engagement 23–24: now. to the hard places

Over 4,000 distinct people groups around the world remain unreached, having disadvantaged access to the good news of Jesus. These groups are often overlooked, though not by our God. The task of reaching the unreached is hard. But God remains faithful to open doors to those who have yet to experience His loving embrace, and…

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Missions Engagement 24–25: Pioneer Planting Trailer

Prayerful, expectant waiting and new open doors bring gospel influence and some of the least-reached people groups together in a new location.

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The Alliance logo with growing plants behind it play icon

Missions Engagement 24–25: now. to the harvest

An introduction to this year's Missions Engagement theme—we sow abundantly, pray expectantly, and harvest faithfully, until the King returns.

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