
Watch video stories from The Alliance with captions in Chinese.
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Missions Engagement 24–25: now. to the harvest (中文) 

An introduction to this year's Missions Engagement theme—we sow abundantly, pray expectantly, and harvest faithfully, until the King returns.

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A Harvest is Coming (粵語 Cantonese)

Less than one-half of one percent of Japan's population would call themselves Christian–truly a place where the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Yet, as God sends and works through the Alliance family, hope remains for the unreached people who call Japan home.

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A Harvest is Coming (國語 Mandarin)

Less than one-half of one percent of Japan's population would call themselves Christian–truly a place where the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Yet, as God sends and works through the Alliance family, hope remains for the unreached people who call Japan home.

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Send Workers: Great Commission Day 2024 (粵語 Cantonese)

As the Alliance family, we are a group of churches working together with Jesus to complete His Great Commission. This year, God has answered our prayers and raised up more workers for the harvest field—let’s join together to send them.

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Send Workers: Great Commission Day 2024 (國語 Mandarin)

As the Alliance family, we are a group of churches working together with Jesus to complete His Great Commission. This year, God has answered our prayers and raised up more workers for the harvest field—let’s join together to send them.

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Thank You for Giving in 2023 (中文)

Because of the workers you generously send and support, those all over the world have an opportunity to receive the good news of Jesus. Alliance workers share impactful stories of their work that you made possible in sending and sustaining their gospel presence—thank you!

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Extending Hope in Ukraine (中文)

Amid unimaginably hopeless circumstances, God has opened a door of hope in Ukraine. Your generosity enables Alliance workers and local pastors like these to continue shining the light of Christ in the darkness. This Christmas, will you join us in extending hope to the world’s hardest places?

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Extend Hope – Christmas Offering 2023 (中文)

You shine the light of hope to those in deep darkness when you send and sustain gospel presence. Will you give to the 2023 Alliance Christmas Offering and extend the hope of Jesus to unreached, displaced, and marginalized peoples in the world’s hardest places?

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To the Hard Places Bumper Missions Engagement 23–24 (中文)

The task of reaching the unreached is hard—sometimes because of relational or political barriers, spiritual warfare, difficult living conditions, or remote locations. These people and places are often overlooked, but not by our God. He is faithful to open doors to the hard places—and so we go.

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To the Hard Places: Missions Engagement 23–24 (中文)

The task of reaching the unreached is hard—sometimes because of relational or political barriers, spiritual warfare, difficult living conditions, or remote locations. These people and places are often overlooked, but not by our God. He is faithful to open doors to the hard places—and so we go.

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A World of Thanks (中文)

Alliance international workers share notes of thanks they have received from those who have embraced Christ because of the gospel presence you made possible in sending them.

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Hard Places: Here to Stay (中文)

When Alliance missionaries went to Senegal in 1932, the work and the people were hard, and after a few years, they moved on. In the early 2000s, Alliance international workers reentered Senegal, and it was still hard. But the work is worth it because Jesus is worthy—and He loves this people.

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Missions Engagement 23–24: now. to the hard places (中文)

Over 4,000 distinct people groups around the world remain unreached, having disadvantaged access to the good news of Jesus. These groups are often overlooked, though not by our God. The task of reaching the unreached is hard. But God remains faithful to open doors to those who have yet to experience His loving embrace, and…

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Christ Our Healer (中文)

Alliance family members, each on their own healing journey, share their most cherished healing stories from Scripture. You’ll read more about their specific journeys in the January/February 2024 issue of Alliance Life magazine.

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Choosing to Stay (中文)

After her son-in-law’s tragic death, Mrs. Jaan chose to stay in her small town to support her grandchildren and serve God. And in the rural communities around her that lack gospel witness, she is a light for Christ.

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Commission – Junior and Senior Saints: Council 2023 (中文)

Junior and senior saints from the Alliance family share their thoughts on mission and heaven.

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God the Holy Spirit – Junior and Senior Saints: Council 2023 (中文)

Junior and senior saints from the Alliance family share who they know the Holy Spirit to be.

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God the Son – Junior and Senior Saints: Council 2023 (中文)

Junior and senior saints from the Alliance family discuss who they know Jesus to be.

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God the Father – Junior and Senior Saints: Council 2023 (中文)

Junior and senior saints from the Alliance family talk about who they know the Father to be.

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An Expectant Prayer: Council 2023 (中文)

As we enter a week together as the Alliance family, we pray expectantly and eagerly for God to move.

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Great Commission Day 2023: Launch Presence (中文)

This Great Commission Day, we are launching presence among the least-reached. Give to send and sustain your Alliance workers as they launch gospel presence in some of the world’s remaining hard places.

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Spiritual Daughters (中文)

A training center in West Africa is giving young women practical skills that will help them be self-sufficient—such as cooking and tailoring—while also showing them they are loved by God.

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Thank You for Giving in 2022: Update from the Yangs (中文)

Because of the workers you generously send and support, like the Yangs, those in the hardest-to-reach places have an opportunity to receive the good news of Jesus. Your financial giving to what God is doing through The Alliance also enables breakthroughs like those mentioned in the 2022 Impact Report. Together we are making an eternal…

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Love Wants to Be With (中文)

Our God is Emmanuel—the One who chooses to be with us as the ultimate expression of His uncontainable love; love that must be near. God is love, and love wants to be with.

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Return to Our People (中文)

Fernando was the first follower of Jesus among his community—an unreached people who follow an oppressive ancient religion. He was persecuted, exiled from his village because of his faith, and ostracized by his people. Now, with the help of Alliance workers, Huichol believers like Fernando and Luis are seeking to return to their people to…

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Our Presence (中文)

For Alliance international workers, being present is their strategy. There are still billions of people who lack a gospel witness and presence in their lives, who have never heard what Jesus has done for them. How will they know if nobody goes?

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The 2022 Alliance Christmas Offering (中文)

During the Advent season, we celebrate the arrival of Emmanuel, our God who chose to be with us as the ultimate expression of His uncontainable love. This Christmas, the Alliance family will come together to extend Christ’s loving presence among the world’s overlooked, oppressed, and displaced.

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Redeemed to Hope (中文)

A fatal mistake at 18 landed Dheng in prison with no hope of ever living a redeemed, fruitful life—that is, until she met Alliance workers who offered her the opportunity to lead other inmates and their families to freedom in Christ.

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Thank You for Your Generosity (中文)

Watch Alliance international workers express their heartfelt gratitude for the prayers and financial support that enable them to remain present among the world’s under-reached and overlooked in challenging times and places.

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Holistic Healthcare in West Africa (中文)

In a clinic in West Africa, an Alliance medical team works to bring the Kingdom through holistic healthcare that is accessible to the urban poor.

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Great Commission Day 2022: Be Present (中文)

This Great Commission Day, the theme is Be Present. Our Alliance workers serve as real gospel presences throughout the world, bringing Jesus to the lost, suffering, and overlooked. As a family, we have the opportunity to be present through giving and prayer—so that together we can send new workers and sustain a meaningful, impactful presence…

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Great Commission Day 2022: Jesus Among Africa’s Urban Poor (中文)

Africa has the fastest rate of urbanization in the world, and this rapid population increase in cities has only intensified poverty for the urban poor. In a city in West Africa, God led these international workers to an informal settlement—an entire community of people living in shanties and scrap-made structures. Ministry here isn’t just about…

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All of Jesus: He Still Heals (中文)

In 2017, Bonnie was diagnosed with gastroparesis, an incurable disease which made it impossible for her to eat solid foods. During the healing service at Alliance Council 2021, she was surprised to feel her stomach moving as people prayed for her. And the next day, when she ate solid food without pain for the first…

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Thank You for Your Giving in 2021! (中文)

Alliance family, thank you for your consistent and generous giving, even during challenging times. Your gifts have made a significant impact across the world through sending new workers, bringing hope to underserved communities, and opening the door for unreached people to encounter Jesus. We are so grateful for you—thank you!

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Greenhouse of Peace (中文)

Brandon and Bethany Nutter are developing the next generation of missional leaders in the Dominican Republic. As they were looking for a space to use for ministry, God led the Nutters to a building in Santo Domingo—a space that was previously a brothel. Now, the Greenhouse student center serves as an environment where God is…

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Jaffray’s Unfinished Mission (中文)

Pioneer Alliance missionary Robert A. Jaffray was imprisoned in an internment camp in Indonesia during World War II. While suffering there, God gave him a vision to bring the gospel to a new country. However, Jaffray died in the camp shortly after—before this mission was realized. Today, God has called a student at the Jaffray…

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Year-End Offering 2021 (中文)

This Christmas, you are invited to participate in The Alliance’s Year-End Offering. Today, nearly 3.3 billion people—42 percent of the world’s population—remain unreached with the good news of Jesus. From the beginning of our movement, God has drawn The Alliance to the hard-to-reach places, and He continues to call all of us to partner with…

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Curses Turned to Blessings (中文)

“When I was a boy, I believed I was cursed. But it was not a curse—it was just a plan of God for me to help many people in my life.” Meeting and knowing God brought forgiveness, joy, and love into this West African man’s life.

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Missions Emphasis 21-22: All of Jesus for All the World (Theme) (中文)

As Alliance President John Stumbo worked with other leaders over the past few years to restate our Alliance vision, a fresh statement emerged: All of Jesus for All the World. This will be the theme of the 2021–2022 Missions Emphasis campaign.

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Hope and a Future for Urban Families (中文)

Ben Douglass and Faith Community Church are engaged in urban ministry in the heart of Columbus, Ohio. Their church and ministry center help meet the needs of transient, impoverished, and spiritually underserved adults and children. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the congregation dove head-first into serving kids during the school day.

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Great Commission Day 2021: The Time is Now (中文)

Follow the journey of the Yangs—a recently appointed international worker family—and see how their struggles, adversities, and triumphs solidified God’s clear call to GO!

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Toshi’s Story (中文)

While wandering one night in Tokyo, Toshi stumbled over what he thought was a comic book. When he picked it up, he saw it was a Bible and took it home. What God did over the next few months completely changed the trajectory of Toshi’s life.

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GO: Unfinished Journeys (中文)

This spring, through the 2021 Great Commission Day Offering, “GO: Unfinished Journeys,” you can send 40 new Alliance workers who will help establish a gospel presence where none yet exists.

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Where Will All of This Lead? (中文)

When C&MA founder, A.B. Simpson, told his wife, Maggie, that he was leaving his secure pastorate to start something new, she asked, “Where will all of this lead?” Over 140 years later, Simpson’s decision has led to global, exponential growth for the Kingdom.

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Dreams (中文)

Rima* is one of thousands of Syrian women with unfinished stories living in the dark prison of their culture where Jesus is the only key to freedom.

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Year-End Offering 2020 (中文)

Alliance family, the mission of the Church is still unfinished. Your generosity and giving to the Great Commission Fund (GCF) ensure that everyone has an opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ!

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Hidden From the World (中文)

80 years ago, Alliance pioneers embarked on a journey to bring the gospel to the isolated Dani people of Western New Guinea. Watch never-before-seen footage of this historic event.

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What Caring Can Do (中文)

U.S. C&MA President John Stumbo shares what your giving has already accomplished through the global pandemic.

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Because You Gave (中文)

Because you gave, hundreds of Alliance workers were able to remain present on their fields, Caring in Chaos. Here are your stories.

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Caring in West Africa: Street Children (中文)

An Alliance team and its church partner provide meals four times a week to 100 street boys, who have gone hungry due to COVID-19 shutdowns.

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Caring in Chaos: ENVISION Miami (中文)

An ENVISION team weekly distributes four tons of food to 200–300 low-income students and their families, many of whom have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.

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Caring in Mexico (中文)

Because of the U.S. Alliance family's generosity, hundreds of small-business owners hard hit by closures are experiencing Jesus' compassion through gifts of food and supplies.

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Because You Give (中文)

We know that Great Commission Day is just beginning, but you have already come through with bold generosity! Some friends of yours would like to say thank you.

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Caring in the Balkans (中文)

A newly formed Alliance team partnered with civic leaders, distributing food to 330 families in need.

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Caring in the North and Central Asia Region (中文)

An Alliance team distributed a one-month’s supply of food and soap to 100 families in their network who have been hit hard by their country’s closed borders.

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Caring in Indonesia (中文)

Across this island nation, Alliance teams are distributing hundreds of bars of soap and cloth masks while taking the lead in educating about the value of handwashing and social distancing.

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Caring in Cambodia (中文)

An Alliance worker in Cambodia shares how God prepared her team months ago for what is unfolding today.

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Caring in West Africa (中文)

An Alliance team distributed face masks, food, and soap to the most destitute.

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Caring in the Philippines (中文)

An Envision team partners with the C&MA in Manila to provide rice and meat to 2,000 urban poor.

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Great Commission Day 2020: Caring in Chaos (中文)

During the disruption and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, let’s remember that God is still moving mightily. This Great Commission Day, will you join the Alliance family in ensuring that the gospel continues to advance? Together we can care in the middle of chaos.

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A Harvest is Coming (粵語 Cantonese)

Less than one-half of one percent of Japan's population would call themselves Christian–truly a place where the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Yet, as God sends and works through the Alliance family, hope remains for the unreached people who call Japan home.

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Send Workers: Great Commission Day 2024 (粵語 Cantonese)

As the Alliance family, we are a group of churches working together with Jesus to complete His Great Commission. This year, God has answered our prayers and raised up more workers for the harvest field—let’s join together to send them.

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A Harvest is Coming (國語 Mandarin)

Less than one-half of one percent of Japan's population would call themselves Christian–truly a place where the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Yet, as God sends and works through the Alliance family, hope remains for the unreached people who call Japan home.

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Send Workers: Great Commission Day 2024 (國語 Mandarin)

As the Alliance family, we are a group of churches working together with Jesus to complete His Great Commission. This year, God has answered our prayers and raised up more workers for the harvest field—let’s join together to send them.

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