April 27, 2023

U.S. Alliance Church Spared from Devastating Tornado

On Friday, March 31, an EF-3 tornado slammed into North Little Rock, Arkansas, traveling through Burns Park—one of the nation’s largest municipal parks—where the Church at Burns Park, an Alliance congregation, is located.

based on a report by Howard Nesmith

The tornado’s path spanned over 30 miles, killing one person in a home across the street from the church and injuring 54 others.

God’s protection on the church building was evident—there was no physical damage except the loss of several shingles. The church also owns two houses on either side of the property. A treetop smashed through one of the roofs while the youth leader and her son were in the next room; they suffered no injuries. The other house sustained only minor damage.

The church property had about 50 large, 100-plus-year-old oak and pine trees—approximately 40 were blown down. Church members and several groups associated with the church have helped with clearing debris and cutting up the fallen trees.

The Church of Burns Park was also the focus of a local TV news broadcast celebrating the fact that they were able to hold their Easter service—with a roof and power. The church was without electricity for days, but it was restored on Saturday, April 8, allowing them to have their Easter service inside. Lead Pastor Rick Greer says, “We’re very grateful.”

The congregation is also grateful to CAMA Services for sending disaster relief funds to the Alliance South Central District on behalf of the church. Now that the situation is beginning to slow down, response teams and other volunteers are leaving the area. However, the Church of Burns Park is poised to reach out to those who are still in great need. The neighborhood directly across the street from the church is devastated, and many of the 200+ living units are damaged beyond repair. The congregation is mobilizing for the distribution of meals and other necessities, as well as emotional and prayer support.

Please pray for church members as they meet Sunday, April 30, to plan and set dates for community outreach events that will provide more meaningful assistance and demonstrate the love of Christ by meeting individual needs. The congregation is committed to being wise stewards of disaster relief funds by ensuring they are used in ways that are most impactful for the advancement of the Kingdom.

Photos courtesy of Howard Nesmith.