October 11, 2021

The Light of Jesus Breaks the Darkness of Witchcraft

They burned their witchcraft tools, even knowing it meant being rejected by their family.

Miguel and Daniela* arrived at the Ipiales shelter in March 2020—a shelter you helped an Alliance church in Colombia open for refugees and immigrants.

Almost right away, the couple stood out to the shelter staff and church leaders for two reasons. First, they were headed north instead of south, back to Venezuela, to search for their children. And second, they were strongly committed to the practice of witchcraft.

As the pandemic continued, so did the couple’s stay in Ipiales. During that time, Daniela suffered a miscarriage. The Alliance church came around her and Miguel by providing medicine, food, and counseling. Because of your generosity and compassion, CAMA could provide the needed funds.

One church leader, feeling God prompting him to build a relationship with this couple, began to meet weekly with them and share the hope of the gospel.

During one of those meetings, Miguel and Daniela accepted Jesus into their lives!

The couple burned their witchcraft tools, even knowing it meant being rejected by their family.

In June, Miguel and Daniela finally made it to the border of Colombia and Venezuela where they were reunited with their children. They saw God answer prayer! The couple quickly became connected with a church, and Daniela was recently baptized. Today they are hoping to travel to Mexico and establish residency there.

To see more about Alianza por mi Prójimo, the shelter in Colombia, watch the video below.

*Names changed.

Photo courtesy of Akira Hojo from Unsplash