June 27, 2022

The Alliance Responds to the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

U.S. Alliance President John Stumbo speaks to this historic moment

As our nation responds to the recent Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, The Alliance affirms its long-held position on the sanctity of life

“At this historic moment, I commend those within the Alliance family who have labored faithfully to preserve and protect all lives, including those of the unborn. You have persevered through the decades upholding the sanctity of life,” responds U.S. Alliance President John Stumbo. “Meanwhile, this must be a moment when we join together with the greater Christian community in committing to new levels of engagement with and ministry to children, mothers, fathers, and families. As Christ’s Church, we are called to demonstrate His loving and sacrificial posture toward those impacted by this ruling. Let’s bless the lives we’ve fought for.”