November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving: A Verb

A poem about the heart (and the Who) behind thankfulness

by Hannah Castro

“I’m thankful for . . .” too often feels like an empty jumble of words,
like a simple “thank you” spoken that is regularly overheard
as you walk down the street or grab groceries at the store.
It can seem really simple, and less heartfelt, perhaps, than what it’s intended for.

Because I think “thankful” is a verb, a space
in which we learn to lean into the Father’s embrace
and open our arms, outstretched and wide
to experience what it means to truly abide
in His presence.

To be truly thankful is to know the One for whom praise is designed—
to study His Word, recognize His flesh, bow our knees in reverence as we are inclined
to humbly ask for even more.
More of His presence, more of His heart, more of His Spirit so that we, too, can learn to truly adore

[ It’s all about Him. ]

Because “thankful” is a verb, an embrace of adoration
gifted to the One who designed His graciousness in creation.
We are called to praise Him.
If we have hearts of praise, then we’re learning to exude, not dim
the light that truly is a synonym
for He who brings us worship.

To sit with the Most High God, the King of Kings,
we humble ourselves to recognize He is exactly who we need, more than any other things
that this world tries to convince us of,
like we can simply “give thanks,” simultaneously refusing to equate thankfulness with love.

But we are not of this world; we are promised so much more,
and for that we are called to sit with Him in spaces, to truly adore
and lean in and stay conscious of all we have received.
He is our ultimate sacrifice, and hearts of gratitude are conceived
when we lean into Him.

[ It’s all about Him. ]

We might have to do things differently, to embrace His Truth like never before
so that we find ourselves open to experience whatever it is He has in store.
It’s not simple, nor easy, and be prepared within you to disturb
what you may have believed before in order to practice “thanksgiving” as a verb.