A Kingdom Family

Becoming a missionary in unlikely circumstances

At All Times

How friendship is an essential part of supporting and caring for missionaries

My Fears Are Gone

Regardless of age, stage of life, or circumstances—may we always remain open to God’s calling.

Lessons from a Nomad

Living through unexpected transition

Dutch Missionary who Served on the West Africa Team with U.S. Alliance Workers Tragically Loses Life

On October 15, 2021, Carina Saarloos tragically lost her life in a fall.

Evelyn Mangham—A Hero of the Faith

“It’s not the loss that overwhelms us,” her son Thomas wrote in a tribute on Facebook. “It’s the thought that we had the honor of knowing, seeing, and experiencing what it’s like to live with a Hebrews 11 hero of the faith.”

A Life Full of Miracles

Trust, Pray, Obey