How to Grieve Losses With No Funerals

Finding a way with God through ambiguous loss

Heritage on a Hillside

Honoring Nyack College/Alliance University’s time-tested pledge to equip the called

An Emerging Partnership between The Alliance and Asbury Theological Seminary

Maintaining a viable, C&MA-rooted ministry training presence in NYC is vital to the forward progress of our mission.

Announced Alliance University Closure Elicits Tears, Tales, and Tributes

On June 29, 2023, the Alliance University (AU) Board of Trustees made the difficult decision to cease all academic offerings effective September 1, 2023. The decision was precipitated by nearly 10 years of complex financial realities that ultimately resulted in the June 22, 2023, determination by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, AU’s accrediting body, that the university remained unable to sustain ongoing compliance with the Commission’s Standard 6 (financial health) requirement.