man reading at a table

Train Refugees as Church Planters

Project Name: Willow Refugee Church Planting

$28,140 challenge goal met

Location: North Africa


For members of this refugee community in North Africa, becoming a Christian carries great risk of being disowned by family or refused an inheritance. New believers meet secretly to worship and study the Bible. Attending seminary is so risky that most students enroll under assumed identities.

Through your gift to this project, you pave the road for church planting among displaced, isolated, and vulnerable believers who have fled genocide in their home country. Over the last five years, Christ followers from this community have been growing in their faith through discipleship and underground worship sessions. They are also learning to read the Bible in their native language, which, until recently, was unwritten.

The next phase of this work provides access to seminary classes, adult education programs, and hands-on training in starting new churches, media outreach, and children’s and music ministry.

Prepare members of this refugee community now to lead vital ministries and spearhead the formation of a national church network in this hard place.



room rental fee for one outreach event



one couple’s tuition and training fees



computer costs for one theology student


Ready to support?

Prepare members of this refugee community now to lead vital ministries and spearhead the formation of a national church network in this hard place.

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