man standing next to a cow

Protect Isolated Farmers’ Livelihoods

Project Name: Vet Techs for Transformation Asia


Location: Southeast Asia


In this hard place, the loss of a dairy cow can be devastating for the family that depends on its milk for their livelihood. Because many farmers lack access to veterinary care, livestock commonly become ill or die of preventable causes, resulting in estimated losses of $30 billion per year and lost food supplies for isolated communities.

Your donation to this vital project will provide livelihood sustainability to farmers through professional, affordable, and accessible veterinary services available at animal health centers and through app-based technology. Some life-sustaining services are even provided at the farmer’s doorstep so families in rural areas do not have to travel long distances to treat the animals they depend on.

Most importantly, you can create opportunities for gospel impact. Because of your giving, animal care providers serve as the hands and feet of Jesus, gaining rare access into unreached villages where they may otherwise be unable to establish a meaningful, impactful presence.

Bring gospel access to unreached peoples by meeting an urgent need in their communities.



one month of medical supplies



monthly salary of one vet tech




monthly mobile app maintenance


Ready to support?

Bring gospel access to unreached peoples by meeting urgent livelihood-sustaining needs in their communities.

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