woman praying with her hands held out

Provide Care and Opportunities for Immigrant Women

Project Name: Tabitha Fund (ENV NYC)


Location: New York


A mother who immigrates to New York from West Africa faces an uphill battle. She has gone from one hard place to another. To find work, communicate with her children’s teachers, and pass citizenship tests, she must first learn English. Without language training, she may remain isolated, wrestling with heavy financial burdens, confusion, and trauma.

You have an opportunity now to provide ESL classes, citizenship test prep services, job training, and emotional care for West African women in New York—most of whom have recently arrived in the United States and never read the gospel or received an invitation to follow Jesus. Named after Tabitha, a disciple in the Early Church who was “always doing good and helping the poor” (Acts 9:36), this project creates natural launching points into gospel-centered conversations.

Open opportunities now for overlooked and underserved women to learn essential language skills, obtain work, overcome trauma, and find a new source of hope as they experience the love and care of Jesus.



class materials for one woman



one training scholarship




dinner and gifts for outreach event


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Open opportunities now for overlooked and underserved women.

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