children sitting on the ground in a gymnasium

Accelerate Church Planting Among the Unreached

Project Name: Sumatra Church Planting Partnership


Location: Indonesia


Sumatra is one of the most unreached islands on earth. Over 50 million people make up the 23 least-reached people groups.

By giving to this project, you will fuel a church-planting movement that meets culturally relevant needs through outreach initiatives involving beekeeping, brickmaking, gardening, and even the sale of office supplies.

Before this project was launched seven years ago, the Indonesian Alliance’s presence in Sumatra was limited to 16 small churches. Since then, donors like you have laid the foundation for new church plants in communities long resistant—and even hostile—toward Christianity. The work is far from finished.

The purpose of this project is twofold: (1) plant 16 reproducing churches and five disciplemaking movements in this hard place; and (2) place Alliance workers among the majority religion’s unreached people groups. You will supply local church planters with living space, vehicles, and other resources to carry out their vital work among overlooked and underserved Sumatrans.

Give now to plant locally led churches on an island long starved of gospel presence.



one church planter housing grant



one motorcycle




one worker monthly stipend


Ready to support?

Plant locally led churches on an island long starved of gospel presence.

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