people standing together and smiling

Establish a Permanent House of Worship

Project Name: South Pointe Church Construction


Location: Mexico


Resistance to church planting is fierce in the Circle of Silence—a region of Mexico where only 2 percent of people identify as evangelical. Drug cartels, hostile indigenous populations, and government restrictions threaten to slow the momentum of Project South Pointe, an Alliance initiative launched in 2015 with the goal of planting 10 new churches in the Circle of Silence by the year 2025.

You are needed to furnish one congregation in this hard place with steel, cement, and other supplies to build a two-story church that will include classrooms, offices, and a sanctuary for 500 congregants. It will also serve as the operational base for future church-planting efforts in this region of 26 million people.

Each Sunday, the congregation gathers in a large tent beside the construction site, eagerly awaiting a permanent home to worship, pray, and study God’s Word. Will you provide a door, a window, or even an entire wall of this new church?

Transform the Circle of Silence with the love and grace of Jesus.



one chair



one square foot of construction




one door


Ready to support?

Transform the Circle of Silence with the love and grace of Jesus.

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