people packing a box together

Fulfill a 30-Year Vision for Gospel Impact

Project Name: Middle Eastern Village Outreach


Location: Middle East


The Alliance’s vision for this hard region—where unreached peoples make up over 90 percent of the population—began more than 30 years ago. Since an Alliance community center was forced to close, unreached and neglected families have been left with little access to services and even less to the gospel.

Your gift to this project will change that. You will come alongside the national Alliance church in this region to launch an outreach to the majority religion population.

Through community development programs, this outreach will open doors for Kingdom impact that would not otherwise be available. Outreach activities include (but are not limited to) medical care, English classes, sports, entrepreneurship, agriculture, and youth programs.

Alliance church leaders in the Middle East are in a unique position to act upon a decades-long vision to reach underserved members of their community. The time to fulfill this vision is now!



medicine for one patient



one study table




one projector


Ready to support?

Open doors for Kingdom impact through outreach to unreached people in this underserved community.

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