two young boys sitting next to each other

Expand Refuge from Poverty and Violence

Project Name: Intern House Renovation ENV El Sal


Location: El Salvador


Many children in El Salvador grow up in neighborhoods filled with gang violence without the protection from their
parents who are often forced to venture abroad to find work.

Alliance work is underway to lift these vulnerable and underserved children from the cycle of poverty and violence
threatening to engulf them. Through the generosity of people like you, students in their early teens are finding a safe place to study, play sports, and develop a lifelong relationship with Jesus through prayer, devotionals, and worship services.

The ministry center where this vital work takes place doubles as a housing unit for short-term workers. Due to space limitations, older teens are excluded from programs. By providing a new space to house short-term workers, you will expand outreach among at-risk youth and allow more students to find refuge and guidance among God’s servants.

Give to this project to bring greater gospel impact to El Salvador.



one window



100 square feet of ceiling 



100 square feet of flooring


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Lift vulnerable and underserved children from the cycle of poverty and violence.

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