two people reading the Bible and taking notes

Break New Ground for Gospel Impact

Project Name: Citadel Community Center


Location: Middle East


Imagine a young girl taking Communion for the very first time. She does so secretly because believers in this Middle Eastern country risk being arrested, ostracized, or even murdered for their faith. The constant threat of persecution deters many Christians from entering this hard place.

Last year, you launched a team of Alliance international workers into one of this country’s largest cities, home to some of the region’s least-reached peoples. This year, will you provide a community center for these workers to host English classes, conversational English practice sessions (“coffee nights”), and other gospel-advancing outreach events among their new neighbors?

The team’s goal is to establish locally led churches so people no longer need to practice their faith in isolation. By giving to this project now, you will not only build a community center—you will also open a new door for Alliance Missions advance.



one bookshelf



one refrigerator




one AC unit


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Contribute to build a community center and open a new door for Alliance Missions advance.

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