the little boys sitting together in swim trunks

Build a Camp for the Underserved

Project Name: Camp Lake Sentani Papua


Location: Papua


People living in remote villages of Indonesia are often entangled in occultic practices and cut off from gospel access. With many local families hurting from generations of poverty and feuding over land rights, this region can be a hard place for anyone—but especially for children.

Through this project, you will transform the dense forests and jagged cliffs of Papua, Indonesia, into a welcoming outdoor refuge for local children and their families to camp, hike, swim, and—most importantly—encounter the hope and love of Jesus.

You will also create a refreshing space where pastors, Alliance international workers, and other Spirit-empowered leaders will attend seminars and outreach events.

Will you supply a Papuan child with a camp experience that changes their life forever? Will you refresh a pastor through a seminar where he breaks away from the grueling demands of ministry to hear the gentle whisper of the Holy Spirit?

Bring gospel presence to underserved Papuan families today.



one bag of cement



one truck of sand




one storage container
AC unit


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Bring gospel presence to underserved Papuan families today.

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