truck in front of a dilapidated building

Revitalize a Community in Turmoil

Project Name: Burkina Alliance Church National Office


Location: Burkina Faso


Occultic influences, constant threats of violence, and widespread poverty are just a few of the obstacles to church stability and growth in Burkina Faso. Christianity has deep roots in this hard place, but for decades leaders at the Burkina Alliance National Office have worked in outdated facilities with crumbling walkways, peeling paint, and cramped rooms.

You are needed now to revitalize a community in turmoil by equipping national church leaders with upgraded facilities to host conferences, accommodate visitors, and oversee vital ministries in places like schools, radio stations, and more than 1,000 Alliance churches throughout the country.

Through your gifts to this project, you will propel the construction of a new National Office complex in Burkina Faso that will include a 200-seat conference room, offices, guest rooms, commercial spaces, and a restaurant. The income generated through the new facility will fund gospel-advancing work among under-resourced, hurting, and displaced people.

Equip a compassionate and innovative national church to maximize its gospel impact.



one bucket of paint



one window




one desk


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Equip a compassionate and innovative national church to maximize its gospel impact.

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