people walking on a tattered street

Rebuild Shattered Lives

Project Name: Build for Peace – Eastern Europe


Location: Ukraine


More than a year since Ukraine was invaded by Russia, the country remains a hard place. Cities, towns, and villages lie in ruins. Roads and fields are littered with live mines. Millions are still displaced. Nearly everyone is scarred by the horrors and tragedies they have endured.

Your gift to this urgent project will meet the holistic needs of Ukrainians still displaced and devastated by war. These initiatives include rebuilding homes and churches, training new pastors, hosting children’s camps, and investing in local businesses.

Since the invasion of Ukraine, an outpouring of generosity from people like you has fueled relief work and allowed five new Alliance-affiliated churches to spring up amid the rubble and tumult in Ukraine. The work isn’t over. Nearly half of Ukrainian Alliance pastors live and minister within 20 miles of the front lines. These and other local leaders must be better trained and equipped to care for their neighbors and rebuild their communities.

Jump start the next phase of bringing God’s healing and hope to Ukraine now.



100 bricks



camp session for one child




one set of theological textbooks


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Jump start the next phase of bringing God’s healing and hope to Ukraine now.

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