October 19, 2023

Ongoing Conflict in the Holy Lands

Please continue to pray for an end to the violence and for God’s people to endure as instruments of peace.

We continue to grieve together over the ongoing violence that has claimed the lives of thousands of Israelis and Palestinians, inured tens of thousands, and left more than 1.5 million displaced, as reported by the Associated Press. Please continue to pray for the families of those who have perished and for the safety of those still in peril. Pray also that these recent events do not further escalate the violence or draw other nations into the conflict. Pray for wisdom and restraint on the part of global leaders and warring factions.

Alliance international workers and their church partners express their deepest gratitude for everyone who has been praying amid the recent violence in and around Gaza. Our workers have temporarily retreated to safe locations. Please pray that the Holy Spirit gives them wisdom regarding when to return to the areas of conflict to continue their ministries.

Meanwhile, Alliance churches in Jerusalem and the surrounding areas—some established as early as the 1890s—continue to care for those who have suffered loss and devastation. As the the Jerusalem Alliance Church in the Old City previously stated:

As we live in a land where hatred and extremism continue to dominate, we realize that there is spiritual warfare involved. We also acknowledge that as followers of Jesus, we are called to pray that God employs our churches as active witnesses during this challenging time through the power of His Holy Spirit. A church kneeling is more powerful than an army standing! 

Please pray:

  • For all those—whether Jewish or Arab—who continue to suffer the horrific effects of this conflict.
  • For the ongoing safety of Alliance churches and workers from other Alliance World Fellowship nations who remain in the affected areas to offer tangible help and hope to the suffering and displaced.
  • For government and religious leaders in the region to exercise wisdom and discernment in making decisions that protect those under their authority and care.
  • For unity in Christ among Arab and Israeli believers that will secure peace and restore communities.
  • For the safe release and protection of hostages.
  • For believers in the affected region to recognize that the underlying struggle “is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12) and engage in the battle accordingly.
  • That the Lord will lead many to know Him and be saved through His redemptive power.

Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
—Psalm 121:4

Watch Alliance Worship artist Aaron Shust’s prayerful reflection, Jerusalem, here.