August 8, 2021

New Women’s Farm Takes Root

A women’s farm in Senegal grows faith as well as crops to feed families.

A little over a year ago, CAMA international workers Seby and Jeana de Vroome asked supporters to help them start a farm for the women in a Senegalese village. The response was immediate. Within a couple weeks, the de Vroomes had all they needed to make the farm a reality. Even though Covid put the brakes on their plans for a time, they pushed on.

During their last visit to the village, the de Vroomes were filled with joy, as a group of 10 ladies got to transplant tomato plants into their new farm. They will also grow lettuce, bissap, and other weekly-harvest crops. They laugh with one another as they prepare the soil, plant, water, and wait on God for the fruits of their labor.

People like you made this new farm possible. THANK YOU for contributing to these women’s nutritional and spiritual wellbeing!   

This women’s farm supports 10 families in this village, ensuring the women are able to provide healthy food for their families. Due to its success, farms will also be offered to women from other villages in Senegal.