December 20, 2021

Kentucky Tornadoes Disaster Relief

CAMA Services is helping those affected by the Kentucky tornadoes.

On the evening of December 10, Kentucky and seven other states were devastated by a series of tornadoes.

Over 100 lives are assumed to be lost and over 1,000 homes and business were leveled to the ground. Thousands face a long road to recovery.

We grieve with the many who have lost loved ones and livelihoods in this tragedy. We are standing with the district and Alliance churches in Kentucky to support their initial and long-term response. We will come alongside them and their neighbors as they minister to those affected by the tornadoes.

Jeff Miller, the superintendent for the Ohio Valley District, has visited the area and Phil Lohmeyer, the disaster coordinator for the Central District, will visit this weekend. Pray for them in the days ahead as they determine how to go about providing short-term aid and as they develop a plan for long-term recovery. Would you pause now to pray for those who are in temporary housing and face an uncertain future?

We will keep you updated as a plan is developed and implemented. Would you consider donating to CAMA today? Your partnership with the district and local churches will bring comfort to those in need.

To give to CAMA and the Kentucky Tornadoes Disaster Relief project, click here.