marketplace ministries: Marketplace Professional in the Areas of Business, Health Care, and Academics Serving Overseas

We are looking for marketplace professionals who have a passion for answering the nudge of Christ to serve overseas using, primarily, their professional expertise, education, and experience to reach their work and life communities with the gospel. The focus is to be deeply committed to the communities you are living and working in.

aXcess: Here I Am; Send Me

The founder of The Christian & Missionary Alliance, A. B. Simpson, once said, “God is preparing His heroes; and when the opportunity comes, He can fit them into their places in a moment, and the world will wonder where they came from.” If you have a burden for the lost, a heart for the nations, and a willingness to serve, we invite you to discover where you fit into the worldwide church-planting movement of Alliance Missions.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” –Isaiah 6:8

CAMA: Development with People and Communities through Health Care—General

Across the globe, CAMA staff is making physical, mental, and spiritual care available to those in need. Our holistic approach involves providing care and concern for the body, mind, and soul of the individual as well as for the well-being of families and communities. As we come alongside those seeking restoration, our staff shares words of truth and points to Christ as our ultimate Healer. Whether it be through soul care, trauma care, first aid, or life-saving surgery, CAMA’s goal is to make Christ-centered holistic wellness accessible to others so that they may receive new life.

CAMA: Development through Education—General

CAMA believes that education is one of the most powerful tools for poverty alleviation. Our staff lives out the gospel while working to provide access to education and training in areas where such access is lacking. By pointing to Christ as we help the vulnerable cultivate desirable skill sets, CAMA empowers individuals to earn a living, find safe employment, obtain dignity, acquire agency, and recognize the value they have in His sight.

CAMA: Developing People and Communities through Business Development—General

CAMA sends believers out to the local marketplace to be a light as they work with integrity, use best business practices, and live out their witness. Our staff seeks to help others utilize their God-given talents and the assets already at their disposal to better support themselves while also encouraging innovation and creativity. Through hands-on training and meaningful employment opportunities, CAMA comes alongside others as they journey out of a place of dependency to one of self-sufficiency and dignity.

CAMA: Develop People and Partnerships through Community Wellness and Advocacy—General

CAMA seeks to help local communities in overlooked places find hope and restoration through a shared vision. We come alongside communities as they dream of a better life by listening to and initiating conversations about the struggles they currently face. We help communities assess what strengths and resources are already at their disposal to combat those issues and then empower them as they solve the problems that they’ve identified—all while encouraging local ownership and pointing to Jesus along the way. Our hope is for individuals to recognize the value God sees in them and their community, leading to lives being transformed and communities being restored—eternal and lasting change.

CAMA: Agricultural Development (Field of Practice)—General

Through hands-on training, CAMA is helping local farmers increase their ability to produce food and earn a living for themselves and their families. Utilizing biblical principles, we empower farmers with the knowledge and skills needed to improve their methods, expand their yields, find markets, manage their finances, and more. Our goal is to point others to the good news as they come to support themselves in ways that are sustainable, dignifying, and promote good stewardship of God’s creation.

aXcess: Vocational Role

God calls future workers to be a meaningful, impactful presence in cities, towns, and villages with little or no access to the gospel. As a vocational international worker, your gifts and abilities will further gospel advance in conjunction with aXcess clergy staff committed to multiplying new faith communities in strategic locations where aXcess workers are located. You will serve on an aXcess team in any of our five regions. In a vocational role, you will serve in a support role for the church-planting work that is being done.

Envision: International Site Coordinator/Associate

The successful applicant(s) will join the new Envision team working with a variety of partners, local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), an established international church, and multiple local congregations. The individual or couple will work with majority populations, as well as various immigrant populations, making a strong contribution to the local Alliance ministries through personal participation and hosting teams and interns to connect them in local ministries. They will invest heavily in the growth and development of all short-term volunteers (teams, interns, and residents).

Envision: Domestic Site Coordinator/Associate in the United States

Envision, a specialized structure of Alliance Missions, exists to identify and develop missional leaders through short-term missions opportunities and innovative ministry strategies. We are seeking an individual or couple with a heart for discipleship and leadership development who will work with Envision teams, interns, and residents. This individual or couple will also seek out partnerships and ministry opportunities within the local community.