aXcess: Creative Church Planting in Bordeaux, France 

This opportunity is for a person or couple with a heart for French people, namely a younger, urban generation that is spiritually lost with little gospel witness among them. The workers will be serving in a culturally diverse, economically growing metropolitan area to creatively engage in relational evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development as a foundation for establishing faith communities. They will work on a team alongside the current C&MA Bordeaux cohort of international workers with the goal of forming new communities of faith in the area.

aXcess: Relationally Driven Missional Communities in Paris, France 

This is a great opportunity for a highly relational person or couple who has a heart to reach lost people in an urban context. As a cohort member, this individual or couple would be responsible for training disciplemakers and making a strong contribution to evangelism and leadership development efforts that go into the forming of new missional communities of faith that will multiply themselves. Missional communities will contribute to and help advance the national church’s vision to plant and multiply churches.

Envision: Berlin Staff

This is an exciting opportunity for a creative individual or couple to join our team. In this role, you will have the unique opportunity to work closely with artists and creatives while equipping and developing individuals for long-term Christian service. You will play a key role in identifying and nurturing talented artists, facilitating creative collaborations, and providing mentorship and support to help artists, interns, and residents grow in their craft and faith. If you are driven by the desire to connect art, faith, and culture, this position offers an exciting platform to impact lives and transform communities.

aXcess: Outreach and Church Planting in Northeast Germany 

A deeply rooted atheism from Soviet influence, as well as a skewed view of religion and the church, has resulted in many people in this region not knowing who Jesus truly is. Our team desires to see people encounter Jesus and communities of faith established through church planting in northeastern Germany. We desire the church in northeastern Germany to have a powerful spiritual impact for Christ now and for future generations to come.

aXcess: Church Planting in Europe’s Most Eastern City 

This ancient European city of artists, poets, and musicians is key for Kingdom advance in the region. As a geographic bridge between Eastern Europe and the Middle East, this city is a mix of resistant post-modern atheism, historic Orthodox Christianity, and Islam. We’re looking to build a robust interdependent church-planting team willing to proclaim the gospel and disciple new believers in the contexts of hospitality, visitation, Bible studies, local associations, and community center ministries. All ministry will be in pursuit of planting a network of multiplying churches across the city and county while developing local leaders to lead.

aXcess: Outreach and Evangelism for Church Planting in Berlin, Germany 

The applicant will build relationships with non-believers in order to demonstrate their submission to Christ and desire to live like Him. Applicants will proclaim the message of the gospel with words and actions to reach out to postmodern German and Spanish speakers in Berlin.

aXcess: Church Planting through ESL in Eastern Europe 

In order to reach the young urban professional who rarely encounters followers of Christ, we need passionate teammates with experience in living among and having connections with the lost. This is an opportunity to live in an urban center and experience the life and culture of one of the largest cities in Europe while using your creativity to develop relationships and build a community of faith. We believe the Lord is leading our team to partner with local believers to strategize and develop a new network of local churches in and around the city. We are looking for people to join this initiative and work alongside a team where you will find opportunities for personal development, support, and ministry partnerships as the Lord grows a network of churches.

aXcess: Discipleship and Leadership Development in the Baltics 

In order to reach the young urban professional who rarely encounters followers of Christ, we need passionate teammates with experience in living among and having connections with the lost. This is an opportunity to live in an urban center and experience the life and culture of one of the largest cities in Europe while using your creativity to develop relationships and build a community of faith. We believe the Lord is leading our team to partner with local believers to strategize and develop a new network of local churches in and around the city. We are looking for people to join this initiative and work alongside a team where you will find opportunities for personal development, support, and ministry partnerships as the Lord grows a network of churches.

aXcess: Church Planting and Leadership Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Team members participate in relationship evangelism, church planting, center ministry, small church ministry, leadership development, and discipleship in partnership with local churches or networks of believers. The team will mentor you as you learn the language and culture. As a mission, we work closely with the national church to heal our heart-shaped country—one heart at a time. Overwhelmed by the greatness of the task? Can’t imagine what it is like to be the only believer on your block or in your town? Jesus has all you need, and He will provide what you need to run the race with perseverance. We are not saying it isn’t really hard, but we know that He is eternally faithful.

aXcess: Disciple-Making Movement Among North Africans in Southwestern Europe 

More than 50 million people of the majority religion live in Europe. Like never before, the Church has an opportunity to share the good news of Jesus with many who have never heard. Our city has a large presence of both North African and West African immigrants. We are a team committed to seeing a discipleship movement that would impact the community and beyond. We are looking for teammates who are passionate to share Christ, have a desire and commitment to work within a team, and are willing to work in a multi-cultural/multi-lingual setting.