aXcess: Church Planting in an Unreached Area of Northern Cambodia 

Work with a team of Alliance workers in and around Stung Treng City, one of the least churched areas of Cambodia, to establish communities of faith. This is a strategic area where The Alliance has a medical project at a nursing college with hundreds of nursing students, many of whom come from unreached people groups. There is also a growing impact in the local provincial hospital that is opening doors into lives.

aXcess: Serve Alongside the Stung Treng Training School of Nursing  in Cambodia

Join us in partnering with the Cambodian government to strengthen the health system. We are helping the training school to upgrade their program for nurses, midwives, and lab technicians so that they can better serve in local communities and hospitals. Spiritual care is also the goal to provide a more holistic model.

aXcess: Bring the Gospel to the Largest Unreached People Group in Cambodia

Although the gospel has taken root and thrived in Vietnam, across the border in Cambodia, immigrants from Vietnam remain without light—even though they are surrounded by the already-reached Khmer people who have experienced hope. The largest unreached people group in Cambodia is ripe for harvest, but few workers are willing to leave the places where churches have already been planted and go into the areas with no gospel access. We are praying for those willing to form a team with other IWs, Urban/Rural Ministry Training Center graduates, or other local believers to go.

aXcess: Bringing Good News to the Least-Reached People Group in Cambodia

This team is working to find ways to bring God’s Word into this large people group where less than 1 in 5,000 people know Christ. Relationship building, literacy learning, Scripture engagement, evangelism, and discipleship are key methods needed. The way this is done will depend on the skills and giftings of the successful applicant(s).