CAMA: Empower At-Risk Women with Sustainable Skills in a Hospitality Business—Women’s Bakery Initiative in North Africa

The exploitation of women in North Africa is an alarming issue. The applicant(s) will be working in a hospitality business aimed to combat the needs of this vulnerable population by empowering at-risk women with skills for earning a sustainable income. This business will enable local women to find: employment in a safe environment, a restored sense of dignity, vocational training, mentorship, and opportunities to pursue careers in the hospitality field. Our hope is that they will experience the gospel lived out in a trauma-sensitive space designed to hold their stories and point them toward the Truth.

aXcess/Envision: Homeschool Teacher—Unreached People Rural Context—in Senegal

An elementary homeschool teacher is needed to serve a family with four children while the parents are in language study. Three kids will be in school: pre-K, first grade, and third grade. The church-planting team in this location is ministering to a large unreached people group through medical ministry, discipleship, and evangelism. A regional education consultant (REC) will be available as a mentor.

aXcess: Community Engagement and Church Planting in North Africa 

We are looking for teammates who have a long-term commitment in mind and who resonate with our values of praying for the Kingdom in this hard-to-reach country while working hard to be equipped to do so effectively by learning the language and culture, integrating into the community, and encouraging the growth of the local church.

CAMA: Holistic Agropastoral Development and Discipleship in Guinea 

Come and join a new work that is seeking to bring lost people out from under the yoke of physical and spiritual poverty. The successful applicant(s) will be part of a team living in the Savanah region of Guinea with a goal of restoring local people to a right relationship with God and His creation using agriculture. They will share the message of hope by working in local villages through developing an experimental farm. They will also help to find adaptable solutions to problems that local farmers face.

aXcess: Prenatal Group Care for High-Risk Women in Africa 

This individual will help provide prenatal care and education to high-risk women in a group setting. Referrals for this group will come from an obstetrician already based in-country, and it is anticipated that this individual will work closely with her. Risk factors making a woman particularly high-risk include single mothers, teen mothers, impoverished mothers, and/or complicated medical or social situations. The applicant will assist with provision of prenatal care, group education, counseling, and some care coordination/follow-up. A key part of the ministry responsibilities will be developing relationships with the women in the groups and their extended families/community.

CAMA: Community Health Care in a Rural Setting in Guinea

Nestled among the mountains of central Guinea are a number of smaller towns and villages without gospel access. A couple or single with a solid biblical understanding and strong evangelistic gifts will be able to reach out in larger rural areas to provide this access. Working as part of a team, they will seek to develop wholistic health care and community health education strategies to enable the Fulani to thrive as individuals and communities.

Envision: Help Develop Missional Leaders in Senegal

In partnering with other C&MA structures in Senegal, the site associates will help cast Christ’s vision for lost people as they help lead, disciple, and develop short term participants. Also, they will connect interns and teams with local ministries such as those that are medical or agricultural, sports, teaching English, and aiding the urban poor.

CAMA: Anesthesia Provider in Guinea 

We are looking for anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, or other medical providers skilled in providing anesthesia to build up our anesthesia services at the Hope Medical Center in the forest of Guinea. You will be part of a multicultural team and will work alongside and increase the capacity of our local anesthesia providers. Doing so will play a key role in leveraging surgical and maternity services to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.

aXcess: Church Planter with a Vision for the Unreached in West Africa 

Ten years of relationship building and aXcess ministry in close partnership with local believers have opened unprecedented opportunities to reach a 99.9 percent unreached population with the gospel. The medical and business projects have resulted in many relationships that are in need of intentional and faithful follow-up so the gospel can be understood and embraced. You will be part of an international aXcess team of both medical and CP-profiled people. We use our medical skills to create gospel access to fuel a CP movement among this unreached people group.

aXcess: Church Planting in the Mountains of Guinea 

Passionate about bringing Jesus to unreached people? We are planting a church among a large people group who face opposition and persecution for following Jesus. Join us as we build relationships with the lost, lead people to faith in Christ, and gather new believers into a community of faith reflecting their own language and culture. We envision using our centrally located facility for multi-faceted outreach tailored to your unique gifting and calling (e.g., English classes, tutoring for youth, personal finance management, girl’s programs). There is a new spirit of openness with unprecedented opportunities to reach this majority people!