May 31, 2023

God Our Father

A recap of day two of Council 2023

The Tuesday morning President’s Report began with an introduction from Alliance President John Stumbo and a devotional from board member and pastor Jonathan Schaeffer out of Galatians 6:9. 

“In God’s economy, you always reap more than you plant.” 

—Jonathan Schaeffer

While giving the statistical overview of The Alliance over the last two years, President Stumbo shared the encouraging news that numbers for church attendance, baptisms, and conversions have all rebounded since the downturn during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several pastors also shared stories of ministry innovation and church planting. 

In 2023, The Alliance is celebrating the 100-year anniversaries of sending and gospel access in four different countries—Cambodia, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Colombia—as well as the 50-year anniversary of the Encounter with God movement in Peru. What a joyful time of remembering God’s faithfulness to our global family!

Left: Nareth May spoke about God’s work in Cambodia. Center: C&MA Peru President Angel Barrientos and Yvon Rubio celebrated what God has done in Peru. Right: C&MA Mali President Sadrac Diarra and C&MA Burkina Faso President Job Dao thanked God for 100 years of gospel access in West Africa.

During the afternoon business session, President Stumbo and Vice President for Church Ministries Terry Smith honored members of our family who have served with the C&MA for 50 years. President Stumbo also honored Kelvin Walker and Steven Lausell for their time serving with him as the corporate vice president and corporate secretary, respectively. 

In anticipation of business sessions throughout the week, moderator Andy Hawkins shared a word on how we may love and honor one another through our conduct. While discussing the funding changes, Vice President for Development Tim Meier thanked our international workers for how they have stewarded the process. 

“Sanctification is not a mere doctrine for us. It is a lifestyle of dying to self, of considering others better than ourselves, of being filled with the Spirit of Christ.” 

—Andy Hawkins

For the evening session, Ron and Anita Morrison preached together about God the Father—who He is, and what that means for who we are. “You have the privilege of knowing God’s voice just like He knows yours,” Ron shared. 

“Why would we not wait on the God who always keeps His promises? Why would we not wait with a sense of expectancy knowing that He’s going to come?” 

—Ron Morrison

“God is knitting together His big, beautiful, diverse family. In Christ, we are family.”

—Anita Morrison

Seen and Heard

To watch these videos with English CC or Spanish and Chinese captions, as well as more videos from Council 2023, click here!

Don’t miss out on tomorrow’s sessions! The morning services, business sessions, and evening worship services are being streamed for those who can’t make it to Council 2023. The services can be found here or on our C&MA Facebook page.