two women in hardhats breaking ground on Alliance Place

Build One Alliance Place

Project Name: Project ReImagine – Alliance Place


As the Alliance family, we are called to fully engage with Jesus toward seeing our All of Jesus for All the World vision fulfilled in our neighborhoods and the nations.

To fulfill this vision, The Alliance will complete One Alliance Place—a multi-use facility that will enable The Alliance to have a meaningful, impactful gospel presence in the community, facilitate collaboration among Alliance pastors and churches for greater mission advance, and unleash new revenue that sends more Alliance workers to the hardest places.

One Alliance Place will not only house the National Office but will also provide spaces and places for community interaction, marketplace engagement, and gospel encounter. One Alliance Place is more than a building: it is a model for changing the posture of church engagement in society.

The time to change how we work and serve is now. Stand with your Alliance family and take your step into the future to bring transformation to our cities and distant nations. Build One Alliance Place to expand gospel impact throughout the world.

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Build One Alliance Place to expand gospel impact throughout the world.

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