July 21, 2022

Freed from Slavery in Northern India

An Alliance partner ministry rescues 87 people from human trafficking

More than 40 million people globally are trapped in slavery—sex slavery, bonded labor, child slavery, and other forms of extreme injustice.

Justice Ventures International (JVI), a marketplace ministries project,* partners with local organizations and global stakeholders to eradicate human trafficking and other forms of extreme injustice by securing justice for individuals, empowering local partners, and improving justice systems. JVI’s mission is to bring freedom and restoration to those suffering in oppressed communities.

On April 25, JVI and one of its local partners coordinated with police to rescue 87 survivors, representing 22 families, from forced labor slavery in a brick kiln located in northern India. The survivors were trafficked from a neighboring state and taken to the brick kiln in the fall of 2021.

The survivors suffered physical and verbal abuse, were restricted from leaving the site, and worked 12-hour days. They were paid a meager amount of about $1.25 per family, per day for a typical family of four to six people and were penalized for bricks damaged by rain or natural calamity during counting. In addition, the survivors were charged for supplies such as firewood and medicine.

Once the forced laborers and their families were safely returned to their villages, JVI’s legal team began working closely with the police and prosecutors to ensure the traffickers are held accountable and that the survivors secure government rehabilitation assistance. JVI’s aftercare team has already begun assessing the needs of each family to help them find housing, dignified jobs, and schooling for the children.

Intercede for JVI staff who work diligently to intervene on behalf of those suffering injustice. Pray, too, for offenders’ hearts to be changed and that they will turn from their destructive practices. Ask God to provide financial resources to support the work of justice by JVI, marketplace ministries, and other Alliance teams involved in such ministries.

*marketplace ministries is a specialized structure of Alliance Missions that facilitates marketplace professionals who bring their expertise to a community to disciple those around them.

Photo courtesy of Justice Ventures International