December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve: The Candle of Christ

An Advent devotional for Christmas Eve

by Hannah Castro

An Invitation

Come before the Lord in a posture of humility. He delights in you. Let’s delight in Him. Whether you open your hands as a sign of obedience, close your eyes to focus your mind, or kneel to center your heart, draw close to Him as He draws close to you (James 4:8).

Let’s give all of ourselves to the King of Kings.


1 John 4:9–10; Philippians 2:5–7

Hope Has a Name

Prophecies brought forth out of anxious anticipation and fervor
of the One who shall be King,
but what crown satisfies the expectation of jewels in place of thorns?

A Messiah made manifest through the promises of old—
a field of forgiveness not yet recognized by the presence of the shepherds,
though they, too, are like those they attend.
But a lowly cradle of trough-likeness is no place for royalty.

Yet, a gentle cry of humility exceeds such to bring healing to the nations—
even the lepers would find their spots dissolving through the presence of His divine.
What a witness in servanthood—a birth of submission and honor,
a testament of obedience, and not just of His own.

A nativity of entire nations bowing down staked claim on His arrival,
enduring the birth pains, groaning in anticipation of foretelling.
It is not without strain that the Hallowed arrived,
a tenderness of the submissive holy.

The fulfillment of faithful hope across generations—
a continuation of presence-filled proclamations that extend beyond the grave.
For His name is spoken, broadcast among those who have hearts to hear
only because He created, because He lives—through He who resurrected.

A continuation of grace made flesh,
propitiation in the form of a gift, that which prophetic word brings in abundance.
A Messiah in a manger—the perfect picture of awe, conviction, and splendor.
It is in Him we find that hope has a name.

Prayer Prompt

Read Psalm 23 and seek the presence of the Lord.

Take a breath and sit before the King of Kings. Posture yourself in a way that is centering, and listen for His voice. There are many seasons in which we find ourselves longing for something that has yet to be. How can we rest in His embrace today and trust that the promises He has given us will one day be fulfilled?

Lord, I acknowledge that so much of myself is often looking toward things other than You. Thank You for continuously drawing me back, drawing me close to You. I am thankful for the gift of Your Son, for grace made flesh. Remind me again and again of the fulfillment of Your Word and promises. Amen.

To download a copy of Extend Hope: An Advent Guide, click here.