January 3, 2024

Because of You: Your Impact in 2023

A collection of stories from the 2023 Impact Report

These stories describe what God is doing through The Alliance in nearby neighborhoods and in distant nations. They are your stories. May they encourage and remind you of the vital role you play in fulfilling our All of Jesus for All the World vision. Together we are making an eternal impact in the lives of the world’s remaining oppressed, overlooked, and unreached peoples. None of this happens without you. Thank you!

To view or download the full 2023 Impact Report, click here.


Nearly 30 percent of West Africans lack access to a clean water source, but because of you, that’s no longer true for nine communities—one of which is among the largest unreached people groups in the region. Work is now underway to build a ministry center near the new water well.

You also brought clean water access to a local believer who, after learning from an Alliance international worker, started a small outdoor church on his farm, incorporating practical instruction on farming into his ministry to his neighbors. Now he is equipped with a new water well to carry on the gospel-advancing work you enable throughout the nine-month dry season in this hard place.

Because of you, nine communities now have access to a clean water source.

Walking Through Open Doors

This year you paved the way for a new team of international workers to enter a North African country where less than 1 percent of people identify as Christian. This type of outreach is vital in a country with one of the lowest life expectancies in the world. You make groundbreaking work in this hard place possible.

Asia & Pacific

With the majority of Japanese pastors at or nearing retirement age, you prepared the next generation of church leaders in Japan through Alliance Bible Institute (ABI) and the launch of a new Alliance Youth leadership team. In only its second year, ABI now has 20 students taking Bible classes, and nearly all are also receiving hands-on ministry training through local churches.

Because of you, Alliance Youth has begun partnering with other denominations and local church networks for monthly youth gatherings in the center of Tokyo. With the success of these events, the team now plans to host leadership retreats and lead domestic and international mission trips.

You met the educational needs of 180 migrant children in Cambodia and Vietnam.

Central & East Asia

You have provided refugees in this Central Asian country with food bags and medical assistance to supplement their meager wages. Many of these asylum seekers come from a wide range of countries, designating themselves as “Christian” but having no personal relationship with Jesus.

Through the assistance you provided, you opened doors for your international workers to share the gospel and disciple refugees from various backgrounds and religions. As a result, three people committed their lives to Jesus this past year.

Expanding Gospel Presence through Aquaponics

You have enabled an aquaponics business in Central Asia to produce enough lettuce this year to feed 100 people per day. Through this business, you also launched a program for other Alliance international workers seeking to reproduce the meaningful, impactful presence of this business in their own regions. Sixty people from six countries have been trained through the program.


Hundreds have come to faith in Jesus over the last year through Ukrainian Alliance churches you supported. Because of you, over a ton of food has been delivered each month to neighborhoods on the front lines of the war with Russia. Overall, you have provided several thousand people with essential supplies such as food, water, generators, mattresses, clothing, and medicine.

You have also enabled war-torn neighborhoods to be rebuilt and eight new churches to be planted. Because of you, hundreds of Ukrainian children attended summer camps and learned about the gospel. Pastors and their families have also received care and encouragement through conferences and retreats.

You have provided over one ton of food each month to neighborhoods on the front line of war.

Extending God’s Love to Immigrants

You made it possible for African immigrants in Spain to receive food, lodging, and clothes as they adapt to life in a new country. They are also undergoing intense language training that creates opportunities for them to learn about God’s Word. This year six men completed the program, and five more have joined. This is the only known program of its kind in the region.

Latin America

In a remote mountain village in central Mexico, you opened new doors for gospel impact among one the few remaining unreached peoples in the region. This year four new believers were baptized by a local pastor, and a plot of land was donated to build a small church in this isolated community where only 0.4 percent of villagers identify as Christian.

You also made it possible for two new preaching sites to be established in nearby villages, which outsiders can access only by narrow, rocky roads and treacherous river crossings.

Offering More than a Good Cup of Coffee

Because of you, Greenhouse student center and coffee shop in the Dominican Republic hosts between 30 and 60 people each day. These visitors—many of them college students—come from over 60 different countries. You made it possible for Greenhouse to host English classes, Bible studies, and many other outreach activities where students can learn about and discuss God’s Word. Through your support of these outreach efforts, three people have chosen to follow Jesus.

Middle East

Following the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey last February, you extended the love and care of Jesus to thousands of suffering people, who received free meals, temporary shelters, and other vital supplies. In one city, up to 500 meals were delivered daily, and more than 200 people were sheltered at a local Alliance church. Prayer meetings were held there every day as well, and many committed their lives to Jesus!

You also cleared the way for the purchase of an apartment building that will house up to 40 families. The building also has space for gatherings on two lower-level floors that the local church will now use for community events, celebrations, and Bible studies.

You provided for 500 meals to be delivered daily and more than 200 people to receive shelter.

Gospel Advance among Refugees

In one Middle Eastern country, you provided job training, health education, counseling, and gospel access to hundreds of refugees. Elsewhere in the Middle East, you sustained outreach programs among refugees and other struggling families that led to three more people coming to faith in Jesus this year.

Because of you, a foundation is being laid for a new Alliance church within this city, where families continue to endure extreme economic hardship—many of them without the hope and light of Jesus.

United States

This year you consistently provided hot meals to over 50 Latin American immigrants in Chicago. Because of you, these hurting, vulnerable, and marginalized people have also received essential clothing items and hygiene products.

You Grew the U.S. Church in 2023

Lowell, Massachussetts
Started by a refugee pastor, a Congolese church of 70 people joined the New England District as a new church plant. This relationship has led to conversations with three other Congolese pastors about joining the district on mission.

Minneapolis, Minnesota
Zion Evangelical Fellowship planted an Amharic-speaking Ethiopian church and is developing a church plant in the Seward neighborhood.

Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Ekklesia in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, is a missional church plant focused on reaching unchurched people through home groups and other small relational environments.