November 29, 2022

Powerful Earthquake Strikes West Java

CAMA Services is partnering with The Alliance in Indonesia to bring relief to those affected

On Monday, November 21, a 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck the area of Cianjur in West Java, Indonesia, claiming over 300 lives, destroying 22,000+ homes, and leaving more than 58,000 displaced. Compassion and Mercy Associates (CAMA) staff have partnered with a local Alliance social foundation to survey one of the hardest-hit areas. Food, tarps, blankets, and towels are being brought in to be distributed as relief efforts expand. 

Please pray for CAMA staff and local partners as they continue to assess the situation and serve on the ground. Pray that God’s mercy will be revealed through the lives of the believers who are on-site. Pray for the victims’ families and for wisdom for the C&MA church in Indonesia as they strategize to continue to reach out in that area.

Donations can be made to the CAMA Disaster Relief Fund.