December 4, 2022

The Candle of Peace

Advent Devotional—Week Two

by Sarah Bourns Crosby

The Christian tradition of Advent is a season of both remembrance and looking ahead, of waiting and stillness. Whether you use this devotional guide over the dinner table, with a small group, or individually, we pray it will enrich your life in Christ this Advent season. For those who wait, wander, and weep, for those experiencing loss, longing, and love this Christmas—may you come to know afresh that He is with you. 


Isaiah 40; Psalm 23; Mark 1:1–8 


A poem for those who wander

Dry and dusty, vast and empty
This is a desolate place
Wandering in circles
Weakening every day.

Feet stumbling with each step
Voices grumbling, under breath.

How did we ever get here?
Why did we leave what we knew?
When will we ever get there?
What will we find if we do? 

How long, O Lord? Will you forget us?
How long will we lack what we need?
How long will we wander this wilderness?
How long will we search for peace?

But . . .
Into the darkness
Over the stillness
A voice
In the wilderness:

Make these desert paths 

These dark mountains, made low
These bleak valleys, raised high
This hard soil, new growth
This dry ground, fresh life.

And the glory of the Lord
Will be revealed
And all people
Will see it.

Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God
Creator of the ends of the earth.

Yes, your Shepherd is coming
You shall want no more,
Leading you by still waters
Restoring your soul.

Though you walk through the valley 
He’ll stay right beside you
His rod and His staff
Gently comfort and guide you.

He prepares an abundance
In your enemy’s presence
Sets a table before you
Brimming with blessing.

And your cup 
And goodness and mercy 


(Yes you)

All the days of your life.

And you shall dwell,
No more in the desert,
But in the house of the Lord


Picture the Good Shepherd walking beside you in the wilderness. He puts His arm around you and asks some honest questions. How would you answer right now as His beloved one?

What do you lack?

What do you need?

What do you want?

What do you dream?

And how does He respond to you?

Sarah Bourns Crosby writes poetry around themes of hope, waiting, lament, love, and God’s faithfulness. She lives in Columbus, Ohio, with her husband, Paul, and twin sons. You can read more of her work at

Click here to download the full advent devotional by Sarah Bourns Crosby, Love Is Here.