August 3, 2022

A Significant Milestone

Cambodian believers celebrate 100 years of gospel access

by Dave Manfred, an aXcess worker serving with The Alliance in Cambodia

Saturday, June 25, marked a tremendous milestone. It was the kick-off event for the 100th anniversary celebration of the gospel entering Cambodia in 1923. It was held at a huge wedding hall in Phnom Penh, the nation’s capital, with about 2,500 Christians in attendance. There were several non-Christian government officials who also attended. My wife, Chris, and I shared a meal with them afterward and had good opportunities to share the gospel. Several seemed actively engaged and curious . . . pray for this to bear fruit.

The event included video testimonies from some of the older leaders, powerful worship, and a pervading sense of joy within the broader Cambodian Christian community of how the Lord has been faithful to build His Church in Cambodia. This was all in preparation for much larger celebrations that will be held January 26–28, 2023, when we are hoping for up to 30,000 people to be in attendance. 

Praise God that Alliance international workers can be present in this country where the prime minister has been open to Christians and pre-COVID, hosted a big dinner for them every year; 5,000 Christian leaders regularly attended these events. The prime minister also has an ordained C&MA pastor who on his Council of Ministers. We are thankful for the Lord’s favor; pray that these relationships will have lasting Kingdom impact.