March 25, 2022

Sharing Jesus in the Twin Cities

A tutoring session opens doors for the gospel

by an Envision worker

Envision, one of the four specialized structures of Alliance Missions, identifies and develops missional leaders who establish and strengthen communities of faith in key urban areas. We do this through short-term trips, internships, leadership development, and ministry opportunities in the Alliance family. Envision has 22 sites internationally and stateside.

As part of my work with Envision Twin Cities, I partner with an Alliance college in bringing the students to an African community to provide tutoring for local children. Although we love working with the kids and helping them with their schoolwork, our prayer is always, “Lord, give us open doors to share the love of Jesus with these children!” We have had opportunities here and there, and we have been very clear that we are Christians.

Earlier this year, after several months went by without having any students to tutor, we found ourselves hitting various roadblocks. We would face each situation as it arose and continued going into that neighborhood. Since then, God has expanded our team at the college, and we now offer tutoring two days a week.

One of the obstacles was not having enough children to tutor—even though we had waiting lists in previous years. One day, I received a phone call from a mother asking if we could tutor her young son. They don’t live in the community, but they were willing to meet us at the library. I said “Yes” as I wondered what God was up to. Is He expanding our reach? Is this what all the trouble was about? God, are you up to something big?

I took the boy’s tutor to the library. Since I wasn’t needed to tutor anyone, I sat with his mother. This is what I love to do anyway! Before I knew it, we were having a conversation about what we believe. I was able to clearly present the gospel to her, and she listened. Afterward, she said that she had never talked to a Christian before about what they believe. She told me that she wants to read the Bible. Later, when I offered her one in her mother tongue, she refused it but said she would like to read it online.

Please pray for this dear woman and her son. Pray that she will indeed read the Bible and that the Holy Spirit will draw her to the Savior. Ask the Lord to give her dreams and visions and reveal Himself to her.

Photo courtesy of Nicole Geri on Unsplash.