posted on January 17, 2022

aXcess: Nursing Professor to Train the Next Generation of African Nurses in Gabon

Bongolo Hospital includes a nursing school with the goal of teaching, training, and discipling African Christian nurses in an African context to stay in Africa. The new nursing instructor would be working alongside current teammates to run the nursing training program and to mentor the current nursing staff at the hospital. This is a three-year program, requiring a minimum commitment of three years for continuity in the school.

Position Type

  • International worker (IW)—aXcess—Vocational Track
  • Discipleship, educational, medical, leadership development
  • Partially funded
  • Single or couple


Required Qualifications:

Preferred Qualifications:

Biblical Characteristics Desired:

Timeline for Deployment:

Summer/fall of 2024. Following appointment, and once fundraising goals and other qualifications are met, the appointee is required to attend a cross-cultural and language-acquisition program and pre-field orientation prior to deploying.

General Information:

Bongolo Hospital is located in a remote area in a small town of about 7,000 people. Basic supplies are available in town and can be supplemented through our annual shipment from the U.S. and occasional trips to the capital (350 miles away). Housing for international workers, African physicians, and hospital administrators is on a station maintained by the mission.

CIA World Factbook – Gabon
Joshua Project – Gabon

Language Expectations:

Language is an essential part of ministry. The successful applicant(s) will receive one year of intense language study followed by ongoing language and cultural acquisition. The goal will be to speak, read, and write the language at a functional level in order to mentor, teach, and train others.

International workers will receive one year of intensive French language study in a French-speaking environment.

Health Considerations:

Gabon is a relatively hot and a very humid country. Being in good health is important, but chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypertension are acceptable if they are under good control. Of course, Bongolo Hospital has a number of capable physicians and a well-stocked pharmacy.

Expectations for Spouse:

Spousal roles vary based on the spouse’s gifts, training, and abilities, as well as the needs of the team. It is expected that both spouses will be meaningfully involved in meeting ministry objectives, depending on the nature of family roles, children, etc.

In the setting of Bongolo Hospital, there are many jobs that need to be done, many of which we don’t have staffing to accomplish. Additionally, many international workers cover certain responsibilities outside of their giftedness and training, because of necessity. This is true in the medical arena as well as in the running of the mission and hospital. Imagine a small town and what it takes to run the town infrastructure—that is what is needed. Practically anyone can find a job at Bongolo.

Children’s Educational Plan and Options:

Currently, there are multiple education options for children on the Bongolo team—for preschool children, there is a local French language school that team families have used and have had good experiences with. Families on the Bongolo team are welcome to homeschool their children. The Bongolo team has an experienced teacher who has made a long-term commitment to the team. She facilitates a full-time K-12 co-op for team children. Parents with school-aged children participating in the co-op make a small commitment of their time teaching at the co-op. This is arranged individually with each family. For students in grade 8 and above, boarding school options in the region also exist.

Compensation Package

The successful applicant(s) will receive a full compensation package with the expectation that, once appointed, efforts will be made to raise a portion of support costs through the applicant’s network of friends, family, local church, or other resources. Information on support costs will be made available upon application. Training and/or coaching in fundraising is available.

Whole-Life Health

As part of an evangelical denomination, we are committed to biblical holism, which is modeled and reflected through our work. Due to this commitment, part of the required qualifications includes optimal emotional, spiritual, and physical health. These will be assessed during the application process.

Importance Clarification

Applicant(s) should be aware that serving in the international world often requires a higher degree of grace and flexibility. For example, overseas teams can be suddenly and unexpectedly impacted by illness, government decisions, financial realities, team changes, or other factors beyond the team’s control. The challenge for applicants is that these factors can sometimes necessitate the sudden redefining of a position, which may take place before, during, or after the application/interview process has begun or is completed.


Please email the IPO office at [email protected].

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