a man and a woman sorting books

Support the Worldwide Outreach of The Alliance

Project Name: Great Commission Fund

CHALLENGE GOAL: $75 million per year

Location: Global


We are living in a unique cultural moment, a tipping point where change is happening—fast. With all the turmoil in the world today, nothing is more vital than gospel presence! The Alliance has always been a movement defined by bold, faith-filled generosity—demonstrated by your commitment to send and sustain gospel presence among lost, suffering, and overlooked people throughout the world.

Join us in prayerfully entering a season of renewed generosity and sacrifice to position The Alliance for decades of future flourishing. Then give the gift of gospel presence where it’s needed most so Alliance workers can continue to be present in some of the world’s hardest places—both in the United States and every corner of the globe. By giving generously to The Alliance, you bring the good news of salvation and redemption in Jesus to those who have yet to experience His love and care and advance our All of Jesus for All the World vision.

The time to exercise radical generosity is now.



gospel presence to one person this month



gospel presence to a family this month




gospel presence to a village this month


Ready to support?

Send and sustain gospel presence among lost, suffering, and overlooked people throughout the world.

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