December 8, 2023

Advent Week Two: The Candle of Peace

A devotional for the second week of Advent

by Eli Pfau

An Invitation

Come before the Lord in a posture of humility. He delights in you. Let’s delight in Him. Whether you open your hands as a sign of obedience, close your eyes to focus your mind, or kneel to center your heart, draw close to Him as He draws close to you (James 4:8).

Let’s give all of ourselves to the King of Kings.


Luke 2:22–35; Isaiah 26:3

I was dripping in sweat, pushing myself physically more than I ever had (I’m not the exercise type). But there I was: hurting, pushing, fighting with my whole being. Then finally, he was here. The boy I had waited for the last nine months. The one who I had daydreamed about so often. Would he have olive skin like his daddy? Would he be sweet and tender or rowdy and wild? (He would be the latter). This boy that I imagined was really, truly here and screaming for his mama. The feeling of seeing him was enough to make me burst into tears. He was finally here, and I could rest.

Rest and peace are the emotions I imagine Simeon felt on that day he saw Jesus. The Bible describes Simeon as, “righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him” (Luke 2:25). Simeon was waiting for the Messiah to come through and rescue his hurting people. They needed peace in the world, but more than that, they needed peace in their hearts.

Since the Lord promised Simeon that he wouldn’t die before he saw the Messiah, I imagine he spent a lot of time daydreaming about what Jesus would be like. Would he be a strong warrior or a conquering king? What kind of person would make the world right again? Then the day finally came when Simeon, guided by the Holy Spirit, saw Jesus. He picked up Mary’s baby and looked at Him. I imagine tears in his eyes as he said, “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation” (Luke 2:29–30). The Messiah was finally here, and Simeon could rest.

We live in a broken world and know the pain that sin has caused. It’s easy to be overcome with the feeling that this is not how life should be or that our world doesn’t feel like home. And yet, in the midst of it all, we can have hope. Simeon looked at Jesus. The promise was fulfilled, and he rested in God-given peace.

We can access that same peace even now. Let’s look to Jesus as Simeon did and meditate on His fulfilled promises toward us. In His loving-kindness and complete authority, He has saved us from our sin. His peace will keep us as we hope for a future of uninterrupted joy with Him. Let’s look at Him. He is here, and we can rest.

Prayer Prompt

Read Psalm 29 and rest in His embrace.

Ask Jesus to fill you with His perfect peace as you navigate a broken world, knowing that He who has promised is faithful. Think of a time when you experienced God’s peace in your life. Share that story with a friend to encourage them.

Father God, would You show me what it means to rest in You. Would the fragrance of Your peaceful Spirit continuously fill me as I seek Your face. Lord, as I lean into the peace that only You can give, draw me to Yourself more than anything. Allow me to come before You, humbled, grateful, and hopeful. I love You. Amen.

To download a copy of Extend Hope: An Advent Guide, click here.