October 11, 2023

Interceding Against the Powers of Darkness

An update from the Jerusalem Alliance Church (Old City)

We want to express our deepest gratitude for everyone who has contacted us either through email or private messages. The amazing love and care that we have felt in your words of encouragement have really touched our hearts, and we are so thankful for each and every one of you. 

As we live in a land where hatred and extremism continue to dominate, we realize that there is psychological and spiritual warfare involved. We also acknowledge that as followers of Jesus, we are called to pray that God employs our churches as active witnesses during this challenging time through the power of His Holy Spirit. A church kneeling is more powerful than an army standing!

We strongly condemn the use of extreme power, and we stand against the acts of violence against civilians from both sides, but we must also be honest to say how much anger and hatred we have witnessed in Jerusalem, especially the old city, during these last few months. 

What is really fueling the conflict today is religious war, driven by religious differences and leading to violence, warfare, and loss of human dignity among two people. The suffering and toll on human life is immense, and this is what we are witnessing today. 

For us as an Arab-Palestinian-Christian church, we perceive things on the spiritual level. Satan is trying to take control and take as many souls with him, and our role as a church is to break all the plans and oppressions of Satan over Israel and over Palestine! As Christians, we do not stand with any political group or nation, or love and support one group and hate or demonize the other (see Eph. 6:12). We stand against Satan only, as our war is with him and his armies. 

Therefore, may we encourage you to look with us at what is happening in the spiritual realms and ask if Jesus came back today, whom would He stand with? The answer is simple: both people, all people! He lives and He is coming back! 

Let us do our role as the Church and intercede for the following:

  • Pray for peace in the region, and for this war to end quickly.
  • Pray for families who have lost loved ones, that the Lord fills their hearts with comfort and peace.
  • Pray for leaders, so that they make the right decisions for their people.
  • Pray for believers across the land, that they have inner peace and be salt and light, and that all their financial and physical needs are met.
  • Pray that the Lord will give us wisdom on how to minister to people and help those affected by the war.
  • Pray for the protection of believers on both sides. And pray for Arab believers and Messianic believers to find unity in Jesus rather than division.
  • Pray for repentance over the extreme bloodshed that is taking place in the land, and that Satan will not succeed in his plans to harm and kill.
  • Pray that the Lord will lead many to know Him, so that they may repent and be saved.
  • Finally, pray that the Lord would grant us wisdom to care for our congregations and strengthen them in the Lord in this difficult time.

We ask that Christians from around the world join us in prayer for peace, demonstrating the love of Christ to all peoples.