October 12, 2023

God is With Us

An update from Alliance international workers on the crisis in the Holy Land

by Alliance international workers serving in the Middle East

First off, we are safe. As you probably all know by now, the last several days in our country have been very difficult. 

There are a number of Alliance World Fellowship (AWF) partners living and working to the south of us. They are safe and are ministering in the midst of the conflict. One of our Asian partners and his teenage sons volunteered at a hospital that has received many wounded. European partners are caring for believers serving in the military. Another partner from a large Asian country is caring for foreign workers from his home country, some of whom have been injured in the bombing. 

Restrictions are in place in the city we live in. Schools are closed, many businesses have not opened, and large gatherings are prohibited. The uncertainty and tension are hard. Our daughters feel cooped up and edgy at times. On Saturday we spent much of the day in our safe room as the interception system handled rockets overhead and news came in of the attack to the south. Sunday was quiet. Alarms went off twice on Monday and we scurried to the safe room.

Our hearts are grieving over the terrible suffering and loss of life on every side. Even in the midst of that sorrow, we know God is present with us and the people we care about. We don’t know what the days ahead will hold for our region, or how long this conflict will last, but we do know God is with us. 

Many of you have reached out over the last few days to check on us and express your concern, asking how you can talk with the Father on our behalf. Thank you for your support! We want to share some specific ways you can do that with us in these uncertain days:

  • Praise God for His care for us and all of our Alliance colleagues and for the opportunity to testify to our hope in Jesus and pray for and be present with our neighbors. 
  • Pray for Alliance workers around the country who are caring for people in crisis and testifying to the love of Jesus.
  • Pray for us, and the other families on our team with children, as we shepherd them through these difficult circumstances.
  • Pray that in the midst of suffering, Jesus would reveal Himself as the Prince of Peace and that many would turn to Him.
  • Pray for those who have been taken hostage, that their lives would be preserved, that they would be reunited with their families, and that Jesus would show Himself as peace and hope through dreams and visions to them and their captors.
  • Pray for our friend, M.* We have had the opportunity to share faith in Jesus during these frightening times—please pray that the Holy Spirit would draw her to Himself.
  • Pray that we would experience the peace of Jesus and that we would be able to be the peace of Jesus to those around us.

*Name changed