group of young people sitting and listening

Alliance Young Adults


We are a deeper life, church-driven, young adults movement. We want every person ages 18–30 to know that:

  • You belong.
  • Jesus is inviting you deeper.
  • You have a significant purpose.

Don’t miss our next event!

If you are a young adult aged 18-30, we want to invite you to a regional gathering to celebrate, discuss, and affirm these truths of belonging, deeper life in Christ, and finding your purpose in God’s kingdom. We long to send you back to your local context encouraged and confident that life with Jesus goes deep, and that you will know as a young adult that you have a unique part to play in His Church! We’ll incorporate a mix of worship, spiritual teaching, group discussions, break-out conversations, firepits, social activities, and prayer!

Join us for AYA Twin Cities! Registration will be opening soon.


Cost: $35

Time: 6:00 p.m. November 1 – 9:00 p.m. November 2, 2024

Venue: Zion Evangelical Fellowship Church (1632 Charles Ave, St Paul, MN 55104)

Food will be provided during the event. We have some housing options that you and your church can reserve.

Check back for more details on lodging availability!



1. How much, and how do I register?

The cost is only $35 and includes meals. Registration will be available soon.

2. What time does the conference start and end?

We will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, November 1, and conclude at 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024.

3. Where will the conference be held?

The entire conference will be held at Zion Evangelical Fellowship Church. Their address is: 1632 Charles Ave, St Paul, MN 55104.

4. What will the conference look like?

The AYA Conference will consist of 3 main sessions, several breakout sessions, a fun event, 2 meals, a prayer room, various conversation opportunities, nature trails, firepits, and connections with people who can help young adults take their next steps. Our main sessions will include worship, two 15-minute speakers per session, and opportunities for interaction and response. Our breakout sessions will be intentional group conversations led by an expert in topics relevant to Christian young adults. Friday night we have a fun event planned that everyone will want to stick around for! On Saturday, lunch and dinner will be provided (be sure to indicate any allergies/intolerances in your registration form). We have a great outdoor space for hiking and gathering around campfires as well.

5. Who are the speakers going to be at the conference?

The Alliance Young Adults leadership team has made the intentional choice to prioritize the messages that God has put on our hearts. We have spent time in prayer as a team to develop content for each of the talks. Each talk will be delivered by someone who is actively working in an Alliance ministry with young adults. We are very confident that these 6, 15-minute messages will be impactful, relevant, and biblical.

More information about speakers will be coming soon!

6. Is there lodging available for the conference?

More information about lodging will be provided soon!

7. Will food be provided?

On Friday night, we will have snacks and. food after the evening session. On Saturday, lunch and dinner will be provided (be sure to indicate any allergies/intolerances in your registration form).

8. What if I need to leave early on Saturday?

If at all possible, you’ll want to stay until 9:00 p.m. on Saturday! Much of the content of the conference culminates with our last service from 7-9. Consider staying through Sunday morning and attending one of the local C&MA churches listed in your conference registration confirmation email!

9. What if we want to stay Saturday night?

We would love you to stay Saturday night and attend one of the many Alliance Churches in the area on Sunday morning! Many of them are listed in your confirmation email after registration.

10. I’m 31+, can I still come?

In order to sharpen our focus on the “emerging adulthood” stage of life, we are encouraging conference attendance for those between the ages of 18-30. We recognize that every church defines this stage of life slightly differently, so exceptions will be made for those 31+ who participate regularly in their local church’s young adult ministry. Young adult ministry leaders in their local church and district/denominational leaders are also welcome to attend.

11. Will Childcare be provided?

We are unable to provide childcare for this conference. A nursing mother’s room will be available for use as needed.

12. Where will the next AYA Conference be?

We are actively praying about where to go next! Our intention is to host regional conferences around the United States. If you think your church would be a good host site and want to discuss what that could mean, contact [email protected]!