June 2, 2023

God the Holy Spirit

A recap of day four of Council 2023

In the Thursday morning business session, after prayer, Council delegates picked up with voting and debate regarding the recommendations for the Statement of Faith. And, in the afternoon business session, General Council completed the Statement of Faith discussion for Council 2023, approving all but one of the proposed recommendations. After the last vote was taken on the matter, everyone stood for a time of prayer, led by Steve Irvin, international worker. “We lift Your name on high, and our eyes are upon You in these days,” Steve prayed.

During the afternoon business session, Council also unanimously elected the new Corporate Vice President, Rev. Ted Kang, and Corporate Secretary, Rev. Thomas George, as well as electing new members of the Board. To watch recordings of the Thursday business sessions, click here.

In the evening session, Monty Wright, Alliance Northwest district superintendent, spoke on the work of the Holy Spirit out of 1 Corinthians 2:1–4 and Ezekiel 47.

Holy Spirit is my steadfast advocate who remains at my side, pouring on His strength so I may stand firm in life’s trials. Holy Spirit is a fiery presence who has ignited passion inside of me that demands I live with courage and for a much higher purpose than myself. He is a skillful artist who is molding my character, chiseling away my flaws, and transforming me into a conduit of divine grace as I surrender to His masterful work.

—Monty Wright

After the sermon, Mike and Lisa Plunket shared from the Word before leading the family in a time of healing prayer. “When I surrender to His love, I can take hold of faith, I can take hold of power, I can take hold of anything I need to deal with what He places before me. Let us grab hold of His love,” Lisa said. As the worship team led the family, many experienced freedom and joy in praise.

Seen and Heard

To watch this video with English CC or Spanish and Chinese captions, as well as more videos from Council 2023, click here!

Don’t miss out on tomorrow’s sessions! The morning services, business sessions, and evening worship services are being streamed for those who can’t make it to Council 2023. The services can be found here or on our C&MA Facebook page.