June 1, 2023

God the Son

A recap of day three of Council 2023

In the Wednesday morning President’s Report, Board member and pastor Ted Kang shared a devotional on Matthew 25:31–46, the parable of the sheep and the goats. The greatest difference between the two groups in this parable, Ted shared, is what lay in their hearts.

The most important business of this Council is that we receive the heart of Jesus—His kindness, His power, His compassion, His love that compels us to take His presence to the darkest and most neglected places in this world.

—Ted Kang

While reflecting on our movement, Alliance President John Stumbo shared, “A deeper life and missions movement—that has always been The Alliance at its best, experiencing the fullness of Jesus within us, the heart change of Christ within us, that sends us on mission to the world.” International workers also shared stories of what it means for them to be present among those they serve around the world. 

President Stumbo shared about the current status of Project ReImagine, the vehicle that has fueled the Alliance National Office relocation from Colorado Springs, Colorado, to Reynoldsburg, Ohio, and continues to fuel the building of Alliance Place, the new mixed-use facility and home of the National Office.

During the afternoon business session, General Council progressed through the recommendations concerning the update to the Statement of Faith. To watch the replay of Wednesday’s business session, click here

In the evening service, Alliance worker and Board member Martin Chaaya taught out of John 20:19–23 on God the Son—Jesus Christ. 

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.

John 20:19–20

Many of us have found ourselves in difficult places in life and ministry, perhaps even in fear like the disciples experienced. “The doors that are closed will not stop Him. There’s nothing that can stand in His way. He can break through whatever situation that you are in. There are no boundaries to what He can do,” Martin shared. 

The best title you will ever have is a title that you already have . . . Friends, you are God’s son, you are God’s daughter. And we can rejoice in this. It’s why we can be expectant.

—Martin Chaaya

Seen and Heard

To watch this video with English CC or Spanish and Chinese captions, as well as more videos from Council 2023, click here!

Don’t miss out on tomorrow’s sessions! The morning services, business sessions, and evening worship services are being streamed for those who can’t make it to Council 2023. The services can be found here or on our C&MA Facebook page.