August 12, 2024

Workers to the Harvest

Your faithful giving is sending new workers to unreached peoples in the world’s hardest places.

Fifty-two new workers per year for the next two years are what the Alliance leadership team has been praying for this year. God not only honored that prayer but went beyond those expectations—54 new workers were commissioned for service at this summer’s pre-field experience in Cleveland, Ohio. Hallelujah!

Thanks to the generosity of Alliance people, these 54 new workers will be sent without delay to carry the gospel message of hope to people throughout the world who are suffering, marginalized, and displaced, and to advance our shared All of Jesus for All the World vision.

Nick and Katie Strob are two of the new international workers who have already joined the work of reaching lonely and isolated people in the hard places of Japan.

With a Japanese population of 125 million people, only about 1 percent is Christian. “The needs are great,” say workers on the Alliance team in Japan. “The time is short, and we have urgency in our hearts that God would send more workers to join the spiritual harvest that’s coming to Japan.”

“There’s not a choice,” say the Strobs. “Because if no one’s willing to go, these people will never hear. So, for the harvest to be plentiful here, the workers must come here.”

Watch Nick and Katie Strob’s story of how God led them to serve Him in Japan.

Because of you, the additional 52 new Alliance workers are heading to the field this year to join the work taking place in 18 countries: Atlanta Envision site, Cambodia, France, Germany, Guinea, Indonesia, Papua, Italy, Japan, Kosovo, Mexico, Paraguay, Senegal, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, and some closed-access countries.

God is also calling The Alliance to join Him in increasing His harvest in unplowed fields by opening new doors of gospel-advancing opportunities—not only in a new location in Japan, but also in a new capital city in the Pacific Islands among Hindu people, and in Ukraine as war-torn communities begin to rebuild. He is also widening opportunities among Fulani people in West Africa and within diverse populations of immigrants in Manchester, UK.

None of these new workers could be sent, nor could these new opportunities be realized, without you. Your faithful prayers, encouragement, and generosity—guided by the Holy Spirit—are vital to seeing All of Jesus for All the World. Because of you, new workers will continue to be sent to unreached peoples in the world’s unplowed fields so they will know that they are seen, accepted, and loved by Jesus.

“Alliance family, let’s keep coming back to our need for and dependence upon the fullness of the Holy Spirit in our lives,” encourages Alliance President John Stumbo. “Our ministry is no better than our moment-by-moment obedience to and dependence upon the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives. May it be so.”

Thank you for your faithful obedience to the Holy Spirit’s leading as you continue to send and sustain new Alliance workers among unreached peoples in the world’s hardest places, to reap a harvest for the Kingdom and fulfill God’s Great Commission!